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Topic: Elxis Nautilus is coming! (Read 88223 times)
Elxis Team
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Posts: 10382
Elxis Nautilus is coming!
April 20, 2012, 09:43:23 »
I open this area of the forum for general public discussion regarding the upcoming
Elxis 4.0 Nautilus
First some very general facts regarding this new Elxis generation.
What is Elxis Nautilus?
Elxis Nautilus is the first release of the Elxis 4th generation (2006.x, 2008.x, 2009.x, 4.x) . Unlike 200x.x generations, which were based on Mambo CMS, Elxis Nautilus designed and built 100% by the Elxis Team. It is a technology edge software, flexible, modern, secure, powerful. It has features you have never seen in a CMS. In Elxis we do not copy others, we bring in life our own ideas. It is written 100% in an object oriented (OO) programming style in PHP5, while it is almost ready for the future PHP6! Note that it is also HTML5 ready!
When will be ready?
An alpha (test) version will be available in about a month. The alpha version will be only for internal (Elxis Team / Elxis Community) use and tests. A second beta (also test) version will be released to public later. The final stable Elxis 4.0 release will be ready by the end of summer 2012.
Some features and notes
Elxis 4.x is NOT compatible to Elxis 2009.x
Extensions for Elxis 2009.x are NOT compatible with Elxis 4.x
There are 6 types of extensions: components, modules, content plugins, search engines, authentication methods, templates.
Extensions can be updated by uploading a newer version, without having to uninstall the old one.
Multi-sites: You can have multiple sites with just one Elxis installation. Sub-sites are totally independent, while they share the same file system (with some limits).
Built-in multi-linguism, Elxis Defender, Logs, Backup (filesystem/database), traffic statistics, Open Search, automatic translator, RSS/ATOM feeds per category.
Introduction of exit pages (404, 403, forbidden, fatal, login, offline, etc). You can design your own exit pages in your template.
Frontpage designer allows you to setup the layout of the site's frontpage the way you like it. You can also display what ever you like in frontpage.
Categories-subcategories of any level. Content sections were deprecated.
The layout and style of a page (category, article) is set by the page parameters it self, not by the menu item.
Just 1 menu type (link) for all Elxis links. Other 3 menu types for special cases: wrapper, URL, separator. Menu items can open in a popup window or in a lightbox window.
SSL/TLS switch.
All Elxis links as SEO ready. There are no non-SEO links!
We introduce Elxis URIs, for easy, portable linking. Sample elxis URI: content:category/subcategory/article.html
All extensions located in a single folder. There are no front-end and administrator parts!
There is NO administrator folder, it was renamed to estia, and you can rename it to what ever you like!
Unified login for Elxis frontend and backend sections.
Brand new access control system (ACL) completely built by us that can be easily expanded.
Powerfull and flexible search engines system (you can search for content, images, video, etc).
Social login - extended authentication methods (built in methods: elxis, gmail, openid, twitter, ldap)
jQuery ready
Multiple supported DOCTYPEs: XHTML 5, HTML 5, XHTML 1.0 strict, XHTML 1.0 transitional.
Backend modules: you can install and manage modules in the administration section
Configurable user groups
Complete developers API, well documented
Elxis Repository: A secure folder for storing temporary data, logs, backups, sessions, etc
Performance monitor, extended debug
Technical manager: errors reports and other tech info are sent to this person
A signle install/update form for all type of extensions
You dont have to write the files an extension has in its installation XML file
Powerfull new XML parameters
The features of the new Elxis are too many, I can not list all of them here.
You are free to ask whatever you like!
Last Edit: April 20, 2012, 10:22:09 by datahell
Elxis Team
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Re: Elxis Nautilus is coming!
Reply #1 on:
April 20, 2012, 09:51:34 »
First of all thank you for the information,
Elxis Nautilus looks very promising, cant wait for an installation
(dont keep us waiting, elxis team)
Some questions, regarding content : tags, fields (text, list etc) ?
Can we add an article to more than one category ?
Last Edit: April 20, 2012, 09:57:51 by @ndreas
Elxis Team
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Re: Elxis Nautilus is coming!
Reply #2 on:
April 20, 2012, 10:04:07 »
We work on Elxis Nautilus the last 17 months, it is a huge project. In this first release our main goal was to re-write Elxis and develop a modern core that will be ready to support many new features in the future. Not all features will be available from the first release. Little by little we will enrich Elxis with new features. It is now easy to implement anything you like in Elxis, we dont have the old mambo family limitations.
already supported and built-in. Note that you can setup a category mimic a blog. You dont need special extensions for that.
The new content plugins system is better, faster and easier to use than Elxis 2009.x bots. You can extend content with plugins.
Articles in multiple categories:
No, you can not do that for reasons of simplicity, security and linking, but if you use tags will produce the same affect.
Last Edit: April 20, 2012, 20:45:03 by datahell
Elxis Team
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Re: Elxis Nautilus is coming!
Reply #3 on:
April 21, 2012, 11:34:13 »
thank you, one more question, what about article comments? (comments manager system)
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Re: Elxis Nautilus is coming!
Reply #4 on:
April 21, 2012, 11:50:36 »
can i be a demo user.. my website is already broken..
Elxis Team
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Re: Elxis Nautilus is coming!
Reply #5 on:
April 21, 2012, 12:24:41 »
Quote from: @ndreas on April 21, 2012, 11:34:13
thank you, one more question, what about article comments? (comments manager system)
There are 3 different comment source on elxis nautilus. These are:
1. Elxis Plain Text
2. Elxis BBCode Editor and
3. DisQus
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Re: Elxis Nautilus is coming!
Reply #6 on:
April 21, 2012, 12:34:49 »
thank you webgift , i ll keep waiting
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Posts: 335
Re: Elxis Nautilus is coming!
Reply #7 on:
April 23, 2012, 07:38:18 »
•Multi-sites: You can have multiple sites with just one Elxis installation. Sub-sites are totally independent, while they share the same file system (with some limits).
Will this feature also available for subdomains?
for example having a mother site
will i be able with the same installation to create demo.test.com, demo1.test.com etc?
Elxis Team
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Re: Elxis Nautilus is coming!
Reply #8 on:
April 23, 2012, 13:52:03 »
By default Elxis sub-sites shown as sub-folders of the main site.
(main site)
(sub site)
(sub site)
What is a sub-domain?
It is a re-write of a url pointing to a folder
to this:
So yes, you can display sub-sites as sub-domains via htaccess with the proper re-rwite rules.
Note for Elxis multi-sites
1. Extensions can be installed/uninstalled only on the mother site. Sub-sites can
only the available extensions of the mother site. To install a new extension on a sub-site you need to ask the admin of the mother site to do so and afterwards synchronize it on the sub-site.
2. Subsites have limited access on media files. Their files (images, etc) should be stored in
folder (where X is the id of the sub-site).
3. The adsmin of the mother site have global access on the system.
4. Sub-sites can be created/deleted only from the mother site.
5. Elxis will not create the database of a subsite. You must create it manually or use the same database as of the mother site but with a different tables prefix.
6. During a sub-site creation Elxis can optionally import in its database the data of the mother site (exact site copy).
7. To know which multi-site runs you can check the value of the ELXIS_MULTISITE php contant (integer).
Last Edit: April 23, 2012, 14:16:40 by datahell
Elxis Team
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Re: Elxis Nautilus is coming!
Reply #9 on:
April 25, 2012, 23:08:32 »
what about mobile paltform? already %10 is using web on phones..
i really would like to see nautius on mobiles..
Elxis Team
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Posts: 10382
Re: Elxis Nautilus is coming!
Reply #10 on:
April 26, 2012, 00:11:56 »
Elxis has mobiles support but not full. It depends on the extension. The problem is that mobile phones are too limited. So the best option I think is to develop a mobile specific component to render content in a very special way and limit user to this component only. The Elxis core, the elxis templates, etc, are mobile ready and elxis automatically detects mobile devices.
In the screenshot I attach you can see that all
Exit Pages
of the system
have a mobile version too.
Last Edit: April 26, 2012, 00:17:46 by datahell
Elxis Team
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Re: Elxis Nautilus is coming!
Reply #11 on:
April 26, 2012, 18:25:28 »
can i call you dataheaven
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360 HDR Virtual Tours | Windsurfing Sailing
Re: Elxis Nautilus is coming!
Reply #12 on:
April 26, 2012, 19:31:42 »
2 me is most importing thing is seo..
can i have more details of seo options in nautilus..
and datahell i would like to invite you to Bodrum for a sailing and windsurfing holiday ..u pay just drinks..
, trwebsite is
Elxis Team
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Posts: 10382
Re: Elxis Nautilus is coming!
Reply #13 on:
April 26, 2012, 20:11:46 »
Elxis Nautilus has ONLY sef URLs. Even if SEO PRO is disabled the URLs are SEO friendly.
Sample of a SEF URL:
The same URL when SEO PRO is disabled:
Except from the general multilingual content Elxis has multilingual meta description and keywords, multilingual site name, short descriptions for the articles, tags and more.
It also supports
Open Search
(you can search an elxis site without visiting it directly from your browser's search box).
A sample search request is as follows:
To search for images using the same "sample" keyword:
Elxis content has a multiple levels tree structure. URLs represent exactly this structure. So search engines and humans easily understand how the content is organized.
For example if this is a link to category "athens":
Then you can browse greece:
or europe:
in a very understandable way.
Each category has its own RSS/ATOM feeds. There is also an RSS "feeds central".
Navigation is much better with the new pathway and the previous/next article links (shown in a much better way).
Also the pathway does not get generated by the menus but by the content itself.
Elxis framework provides the developer a number of ready to use APIs making development tasks very easy. Here are some small examples:
Set the pathway on category "greece":
$pathway = eFactory::getPathway();
$pathway->addNode('Europe', 'content:europe/');
$pathway->addNode('Greece', 'content:europe/greece/');
Set the page title:
eFactory::getDocument()->setTitle('Anything you want');
Set the page meta description:
eFactory::getDocument()->setDescription('Anything you want');
Set the page meta keywords:
Last Edit: April 26, 2012, 20:21:22 by datahell
Elxis Team
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Re: Elxis Nautilus is coming!
Reply #14 on:
April 27, 2012, 09:33:35 »
thanks from you,
when ready nautlius can transfer the contents automatically from elxis to nautilus ? im have 1123 item content in website
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Elxis Nautilus is coming!