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Responsive Content Image Slider - change img src based on language?
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Topic: Responsive Content Image Slider - change img src based on language? (Read 9747 times)
Hero Member
Posts: 514
Responsive Content Image Slider - change img src based on language?
February 17, 2021, 13:46:17 »
Hi there,
with the Responsive Content Image Slider by Nikos Vlachtsis, v1.3 (30 December 2020), I am wondering if it's possible to amend the mod_rcis.php file to stipulate a different image directory for 'user images' based on the language version of the site.
e.g. is it possible to include something like: <img src="/img/<?php echo $lang; ?>/image.jpg" /> somewhere within this: (I am not sure how to do it, the ways I have tried don't work).
if ($this->source_content == 0) { // user images up to 6 items
for ($i = 1; $i < 7; $i++) {
$image = trim($params->get('image'.$i, ''));
if (($image == '') || !file_exists(ELXIS_PATH.'/'.$image)) { continue; }
$link = trim($params->get('link'.$i, ''));
if (($link != '') && (!preg_match('#^(http(s)?\:\/\/)#i', $link))) { $link = $elxis->makeURL($link); }
$target = (intval($params->get('linktype'.$i, 0)) == 1) ? '_blank' : '_self';
$text = eUTF::trim(strip_tags($params->getML('text'.$i, '')));
if ($text == '') { $text = $eLang->get('IMAGE').' '.$i; }
$image = $elxis->secureBase().'/'.$image;
$this->custom[] = array('text' => $text, 'link' => $link, 'target' => $target, 'image' => $image);
if (count($this->custom) == 0) { $this->errormsg = $eLang->get('ERRMSG5'); }
Elxis Community
Hero Member
Posts: 1096
Re: Responsive Content Image Slider - change img src based on language?
Reply #1 on:
February 17, 2021, 23:34:46 »
Instead to modify the code of the module which I do not suggest, you can do it with the following way:
Install the plugin
Include Module
by which you can display a module into an article or a module.
Use the module Responsive Content Image Slider and select in parameters to display a folder images and publish it in a custom module position for example custom1
Make a copy of the same module and select in parameters to display a different folder images and publish it in a custom module position for example custom2
Create an article or a custom module (enabling to run plugins) and insert in the 1st language the Include Module plugin setting to show the modules of position custom1 and in the 2nd language insert the Include Module plugin setting to show the modules of position custom2.
Elxis Community |
Open Source Web Lab
Hero Member
Posts: 514
Re: Responsive Content Image Slider - change img src based on language?
Reply #2 on:
February 19, 2021, 13:47:42 »
Hi Nikos,
thanks for this suggestion! However, in my situation, I need to choose 'user images' because I need each image to link to a different article. If I follow your method, but choose 'user images' then both copies of the module use the same path for images - if I change the images on one, the images change in the other also, e.g. the path is: modules/mod_rcis/images/image1.png
Is there a way to make your method work for 'user images'? - e.g. remove this 'default renaming' of images?
Elxis Community
Hero Member
Posts: 1096
Re: Responsive Content Image Slider - change img src based on language?
Reply #3 on:
February 20, 2021, 01:59:11 »
You asked at the beginning to show different images for any language and I gave you the above solution selecting folder images. Now you tell me that you want to show and different links selecting user images. As it is made the module this can not be done and I have to modify it, which means matter of time to work for this. Maybe in a next update to do it.
Elxis Community |
Open Source Web Lab
Hero Member
Posts: 514
Re: Responsive Content Image Slider - change img src based on language?
Reply #4 on:
February 25, 2021, 12:14:55 »
Hi Nikos,
I tried to be very clear in my original question that I was working with 'user images'. I'm sorry if that was not clear to you. I was asking the entire community if they had knowledge on my attempt to modify your module. I appreciate your taking the time to reply.
Elxis Community
Hero Member
Posts: 1096
Re: Responsive Content Image Slider - change img src based on language?
Reply #5 on:
February 25, 2021, 21:58:15 »
@Seadhna The module has already many parameters covering various cases (auto content, folder images, user images), but can not cover all custom needs of users, as yours. As it is now, selecting user images you can display up to 6 different images with different title and different link to each one, but only once and not multiple times (making copy of the module) having different images directory than default (modules/mod_rcis/images) each time, as you want. And as I already mentioned maybe in a next update, to cover your custom need.
Last Edit: February 25, 2021, 22:54:20 by nikos
Elxis Community |
Open Source Web Lab
Hero Member
Posts: 514
Re: Responsive Content Image Slider - change img src based on language?
Reply #6 on:
February 28, 2021, 13:07:02 »
which is why I posted my original question wondering if it was possible to amend your module myself for my custom needs. This conversation is circular.
Elxis Community
Hero Member
Posts: 1096
Re: Responsive Content Image Slider - change img src based on language?
Reply #7 on:
February 27, 2025, 22:44:33 »
@Seadhna New
version 1.4
of the module which released today, can cover this which you need.
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Responsive Content Image Slider - change img src based on language?