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IOS Hotels v3.0 development
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Topic: IOS Hotels v3.0 development (Read 3726 times)
Elxis Team
Hero Member
Posts: 10378
IOS Hotels v3.0 development
February 15, 2020, 21:01:35 »
I have started developing
IOS Hotels
next generation (3.x series).
IOS Hotels v3.0
is built on the same principle as
IOS Rentals
1.x and
The development of the
administration section
of IOS Hotels v3.0 is already
and fully functional.
I currently work on
hoteliers control panel
. The access system and the general design of the hoteliers control panel is ready.
Version 3.0 is been recreated from scratch and it will not be compatible to the old v2.x series although a data transfer from v2.6 might be possible with some effort (but not full data import). As for the general management of hoteliers and the access system, which are complete, here are some notes:
1. The administrator creates hotelier accounts.
2. Each hotelier can have unlimited hotels.
3. Only the administrator can add new hotels. This is done with just a few basic data in less than 30 seconds per hotel.
4. The administrator creates user accounts and assign them to hoteliers.
5. A user can be a standard user or a power user. The permissions of each user role are controlled separately for each hotelier (eg. power users can manage hotels, while standard user cannot).
6. These users can login in hotelier's control panel for which they have access to. Site managers and administrators can login in any hotelier/hotel account.
7. All the rest data (hotel details, rooms, prices, etc) can be managed by the hotelier users (where they have access) or the site administrators/managers from hoteliers control panel.
I attach 2 screenshots. To get know IOS control panel interface you can see
IOS Rentals and IOS AERO demo site
Last Edit: February 15, 2020, 21:15:30 by datahell
Elxis Team
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IOS Rentals | IOS AERO
Elxis Team
Hero Member
Posts: 10378
Re: IOS Hotels v3.0 development
Reply #1 on:
April 25, 2020, 21:58:53 »
Hoteliers control panel for
IOS Hotels v3
is (almost) ready.
I attach a screenshot from
page. All graphs and tables have advanced functionality in order to get much information about your hotel with less effort. Built 100%on Elxis 5.x framework ;-)
Elxis Team
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IOS Rentals | IOS AERO
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Posts: 244
Re: IOS Hotels v3.0 development
Reply #2 on:
April 25, 2020, 23:34:48 »
Hello datahell
I am looking forward to this version, how about room price calculation?
Will it be the same as previous version?
Elxis Team
Hero Member
Posts: 10378
Re: IOS Hotels v3.0 development
Reply #3 on:
April 26, 2020, 11:05:55 »
I don't know what exactly you mean but there are MANY changes in comparison to version 2.x. Version 3.x is absolutely brand new software, developed from 0. And yes, the price calculation, mostly regarding applied discounts, is different. If you re-phrase your question to be more specific I can you give a better answer. I attach a screenshot from
reservation edit page
. If you pay attention to the screenshot you can book on a single reservation more than 1 rooms (up to 5, each with its own guests information).
Last Edit: April 26, 2020, 11:10:15 by datahell
Elxis Team
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IOS Rentals | IOS AERO
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Posts: 244
Re: IOS Hotels v3.0 development
Reply #4 on:
April 26, 2020, 21:26:33 »
Hello datahell.
The only problem we in our office had was the manual calculation of the room prices.
we had in our website 120 hotels, each of them has 2,3,4,5,6 types of rooms. (ex.
I need minimum 2 people to work 2 months only calculating manually each room.
Instead the system can do it automatically if i insert the adult price and discounts in % for the others:
Adult 1 = 50 Eur
Adult 2= 50 eur
Adult 3= 20% off
Chd 1= 30% off
chd 2= 50% off.
And total room prices calculates automatically. That makes it very easy, and quick.
Maybe for small number of hotels, with not too many rooms, it is ok...it depends what work needs from your side, and how much worth is for everybody.
Elxis Team
Hero Member
Posts: 10378
Re: IOS Hotels v3.0 development
Reply #5 on:
April 28, 2020, 21:59:13 »
IOS Hotels has import/export prices functionality (as XML). The customers could create these files, send them to you and then import them into IOS Hotels. Moreover you can copy prices from one year to an other.
XML format is like this (IOS Hotels v3)
Last Edit: April 28, 2020, 22:10:13 by datahell
Elxis Team
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IOS Hotels v3.0 development