My request is about images in articles..If you want to use a picture in an article and you click the button to insert one, you are directed to your local system to upload one, even if you want to insert an image which is still on server in your media/images/.. directory.So you should be able to look on server first and -if the wanted image is not there- you should be able to upload it in second step.
@maple CKEditor updated to the latest version (4.5.6). The new version will become available in Elxis 4.4.
@nikos Image caption is now used in images ALT attributes instead of article title (in both article and category pages).
@adus and @Dimitris Kanatas You are not forced to upload an image. From the same popup window (media manager) you can select an existing image or upload a new one. You can also select an image without going to its details page with Right click > Select. This procedure takes 2-3 clicks, I don't think it is too hard. I do agree that the media manager must be improved/modernized/beatify but I don't know if we have the time to do that in version 4.4
@Amigamerlin : The concept behind Elxis 4.x defender is that it should work out of the box without the user to have to insert rules. The expirience from the 2006/2008/2009 series show us that users are unable to insert security rules. What we have done in Elxis 4 is to use a standard (general) rules file and let the user put custom ones in the "custom" file. The format of these files is a little tricky for non experienced users, for example in the new defender the rules are based on regex patterns, special characters should be escaped with backslashes and between rules the OR symbol should be used. I am sure most users dont undestand the REGEX patterns. What we could only do to manage the blocked ips but there is already an option to delete blocked IPs. Most IPs are dynamic, so there is no reason to keep an IP banned for weeks and months. Periodically clean the defender IP block file and you are OK. Moreover in the new defender there is the security.log file which you can see from the administration panel.