Don't create duplicated extensions as you will confuse users. Each extension should be unique. Elxis built-in extensions are EPL licensed which does not allow sharing modifying copies of them (improvements should be send back to the original author).Create your own extension and name it whatever you want. Don't confuse it with the built-in mod_menu extension.
<?php /*** @version $Id: mod_menu.php 1040 2012-04-16 08:13:20Z datahell $* @package Elxis* @subpackage Module Menu* @copyright Copyright (c) 2006-2012 Elxis CMS ( All rights reserved.* @license Elxis Public License ( )* @author Elxis Team ( )* @description Elxis CMS is free software. Read the license for copyright notices and details*/defined('_ELXIS_') or die ('Direct access to this location is not allowed');if (!class_exists('modMenu', false)) { class modMenu { private $collection = 'mainmenu'; private $orientation = 0; private $elxis_uri = ''; private $is_frontpage = false; private $lightbox_loaded = false; /*********************/ /* MAGIC CONSTRUCTOR */ /*********************/ public function __construct($params) { $this->elxis_uri = eFactory::getURI()->getElxisUri(); if ($this->elxis_uri == '') { $this->is_frontpage = true; } elseif (eFactory::getElxis()->getConfig('DEFAULT_ROUTE') == $this->elxis_uri) { $this->is_frontpage = true; } else { $this->is_frontpage = false; } $this->getParams($params); } /*************************/ /* GET MODULE PARAMETERS */ /*************************/ private function getParams($params) { $this->collection = $params->get('collection', 'mainmenu'); if ($this->collection == '') { $this->collection = 'mainmenu'; } $this->orientation = (int)$params->get('orientation', 0); } /********************/ /* RUN FOREST, RUN! */ /********************/ public function run() { $items = eFactory::getMenu()->getItems($this->collection, 'frontend'); $this->populate(0, $items); } /*****************/ /* POPULATE MENU */ /*****************/ private function populate($level, $items) { if (!$items) { return; } $elxis = eFactory::getElxis(); $t = str_repeat("\t", $level); $t2 = $t."\t"; $ulclass = ''; if ($level == 0) { $ulclass = ($this->orientation == 0) ? ' class="elx_vmenu"' : ' class="elx_menu"'; } $inc = rand(10,99); echo "\n".$t.'<ul'.$ulclass.'>'."\n"; /* Change start here */ foreach ($items as $key => $item) { if ($this->elxis_uri == $item->link) { $liclass = 'menu_active'; } else if (($item->link == '') && $this->is_frontpage) { $liclass = 'menu_active"'; } else { $liclass = ''; } if (count($item->children) > 0) { $lichildclass = 'haschild'; }else{ $lichildclass = ''; } /* Change end here */ $contents = ''; if ($item->menu_type == 'url') { $onclick = ''; $hrefid = ''; if ($item->popup == 2) { $w = ($item->width > 10) ? $item->width : 970; $h = ($item->height > 10) ? $item->height : 450; $this->loadLightBox(); $link = $item->link; $item->target = '_blank'; eFactory::getDocument()->addDocReady('$("#mitem'.$item->menu_id.'_'.$inc.'").colorbox({iframe:true, width:'.$w.', height:'.$h.'});'); $hrefid = ' id="mitem'.$item->menu_id.'_'.$inc.'"'; $inc++; } else if ($item->popup == 1) { $w = ($item->width > 10) ? $item->width : 970; $h = ($item->height > 10) ? $item->height : 450; $onclick = ' onclick="elxPopup(\''.$item->link.'\', '.$w.', '.$h.');"'; $link = 'javascript:void(null);'; $item->target = '_blank'; } else { $link = $item->link; } $trg = ($item->target != '_self') ? ' target="'.$item->target.'"' : ''; $contents = '<a href="'.$link.'" title="'.$item->title.'"'.$hrefid.$onclick.$trg.'>'.$item->title."</a>\n"; } elseif ($item->menu_type == 'separator') { $liclass = ' class="menu_separator"'; $contents = '<a href="javascript:void(null);">'.$item->title."</a>\n"; } elseif ($item->menu_type == 'wrapper') { $ssl = ($item->secure == 1) ? true : false; $onclick = ''; $hrefid = ''; if ($item->popup == 2) { if ($item->file == '') { $item->file = 'inner.php'; } $w = ($item->width > 10) ? $item->width : 970; $h = ($item->height > 10) ? $item->height : 450; $this->loadLightBox(); $link = $elxis->makeURL('wrapper:'.$item->menu_id.'.html', $item->file, $ssl, false); $item->target = '_blank'; eFactory::getDocument()->addDocReady('$("#mitem'.$item->menu_id.'_'.$inc.'").colorbox({iframe:true, width:'.$w.', height:'.$h.'});'); $hrefid = ' id="mitem'.$item->menu_id.'_'.$inc.'"'; $inc++; } else if ($item->popup == 1) { if ($item->file == '') { $item->file = 'inner.php'; } $w = ($item->width > 10) ? $item->width : 970; $h = ($item->height > 10) ? $item->height : 450; $plink = $elxis->makeURL('wrapper:'.$item->menu_id.'.html', $item->file, $ssl, false); $onclick = ' onclick="elxPopup(\''.$plink.'\', '.$w.', '.$h.');"'; $link = 'javascript:void(null);'; } else { $link = $elxis->makeURL('wrapper:'.$item->menu_id.'.html', $item->file, $ssl); } $trg = ($item->target != '_self') ? ' target="'.$item->target.'"' : ''; $contents = '<a href="'.$link.'" title="'.$item->title.'"'.$hrefid.$onclick.$trg.'>'.$item->title."</a>\n"; } else { $ssl = ($item->secure == 1) ? true : false; $onclick = ''; $hrefid = ''; if ($item->popup == 2) { if ($item->file == '') { $item->file = 'inner.php'; } $w = ($item->width > 10) ? $item->width : 970; $h = ($item->height > 10) ? $item->height : 450; $this->loadLightBox(); $link = $elxis->makeURL($item->link, $item->file, $ssl, false); $item->target = '_blank'; eFactory::getDocument()->addDocReady('$("#mitem'.$item->menu_id.'_'.$inc.'").colorbox({iframe:true, width:'.$w.', height:'.$h.'});'); $hrefid = ' id="mitem'.$item->menu_id.'_'.$inc.'"'; $inc++; } else if ($item->popup == 1) { if ($item->file == '') { $item->file = 'inner.php'; } $w = ($item->width > 10) ? $item->width : 970; $h = ($item->height > 10) ? $item->height : 450; $link = $elxis->makeURL($item->link, $item->file, $ssl, false); $onclick = ' onclick="elxPopup(\''.$link.'\', '.$w.', '.$h.');"'; $link = 'javascript:void(null);'; $item->target = '_blank'; } else { $link = $elxis->makeURL($item->link, $item->file, $ssl); } $trg = ($item->target != '_self') ? ' target="'.$item->target.'"' : ''; $contents = '<a href="'.$link.'" title="'.$item->title.'"'.$hrefid.$onclick.$trg.'>'.$item->title."</a>\n"; } /* Change start here */ echo $t2.'<li class="'.$liclass.' '.$lichildclass.'">'."\n"; /* Change end here */ echo $contents; if (count($item->children) > 0) { $this->populate($level+1, $item->children); echo $t2."</li>\n"; } else { echo "</li>\n"; } } echo $t.'</ul>'."\n"; } /********************************/ /* LOAD ELXIS STANDARD LIGHTBOX */ /********************************/ private function loadLightBox() { if ($this->lightbox_loaded) { return; } $this->lightbox_loaded = true; eFactory::getDocument()->loadLightbox(); } }}$elxmodmenu = new modMenu($params);$elxmodmenu->run();unset($elxmodmenu);?>
.topmenu ul > li.haschild > a{ background-image: url(../images/icon_down.gif); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: right center; padding-left: 10px;}