Make sure the IOSR-paypal IPN page is accessible via web and does not generates internal server error.If you use suphp and have the files mode to 666 or the parent folder to 777 you will get an error.Chmod directories to 755 and files to 644.1st check, make sure this file does not generates "internal server error", "forbidden" or similar errors. yes, chmod ipn.php to 644, pm/ folder to 755, com_reservations/ folder to 755 and components/ folder to 755.
allow_url_fopen = Offshort_open_tag = Offregister_globals = Offdisplay_errors = Offmagic_quotes_gpc = Offdate.timezone = "Egypt/Cairo"session.save_path = "/home/craftgr1/public_html/book2egypt/tmpr/"disable_functions = "system, exec, passthru, shell_exec, suexec, dbmopen, popen, proc_open, disk_free_space, diskfreespace, set_time_limit, leak"