ELXIS WARNING: There is no Timezone indentifier defined!You must set the proper timezone in php.ini. Example: date.timezone = "Europe/Athens"Elxis set timezone to America/Chicago
php_flag allow_url_fopen Offphp_flag short_open_tag Offregister_globals = Offdisplay_errors = Offmagic_quotes_gpc = Ondate.timezone = "Europe/London" disable_functions = "system, exec, passthru, shell_exec, suexec, dbmopen,popen, proc_open, disk_free_space, diskfreespace, set_time_limit, leak"
1- is this php.ini effecting elxis dir? is it server's global php.ini? did you run a phpinfo() in elxis dir? where is this php.ini located?2- what mode running your server? mod_php or suphp?3- most probably that your php.ini effecting only it's own dir , not subdirs! find your server mode and read wiki=>wiki=> read again carefully=> http://wiki.elxis.org/wiki/PHP_settings
To check if your custom settings are present create a phpinfo.php file in public_html with the following code inside it:<?php phpinfo();?>Then call it in your browser to see loaded php settings.