<p><img usemap="#belgium" src="http://www.myserver.com/elxis/images/maps/belgium.png" alt="belgium" title="belgium" width="500" height="269" /></p><map name="belgium"><area shape="poly" alt="Wallonie" coords="57,93, 62,96, 71,91, 79,95, 95,93, 104,99, 108,103, 120,102, 132,103, 136,104" href="test1.html" target="_top" /><area shape="poly" alt="Vlaanderen" coords="188,5, 186,9, 182,11, 185,14, 202,12, 208,8, 210,21, 214,29, 219,31" href="test2.html" target="_top" /></map>
<object data="map.gif" type="image/gif" usemap="#map1" width=200 height=200> <map name=map1> <a href="1.html" title="Title 1" shape=rect coords="0,0,100,100">Link 1</a></map> </object>
The solution that I found for windows users is to have notepad open and to copy from where ever and to paste into notepad first. This in effect removes extraneous html and other formating from the content. Then to copy from notepad into the elxis content and reformat there. This is a tried and proven solution.
As for your problem with the map and image mapping, you might want to develop or have developed some php program that could integrate the changes to the mapping information, at least that's what I envision.
reliable and professional elxis-developers
$out .= 'extended_valid_elements : "map[name],area[shape|coords|style|title|alt|target],iframe[src|style|width|scrolling|frameborder|height|name|align],applet[style|width|code|archive|height]",'._LEND;