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New forum registration system


Although we made a lot of effort to fight SPAM registrations on the forum we can't eliminate the problem by using SMF forum tools. We put a lot of restrictions such as blocking email providers (even gmail!), blocking IPs, using captcha, etc, but SPAM registrations never stopped. We still receive 40-50 SPAM registrations per day! Of course a new user must be approved manually by a forum administrator before he can post, so the forum remains clean and nice but it takes us a lot of time each day to delete SPAM accounts. Also due to the fact that we do not accept public email providers such as gmail and yahoo many normal users can't register in the forum. This is an other problem.

SMF forum is not able to handle this issue. So, I decided to develop a new registration system outside SMF forum. The new system is under development and will change the way someone registers in the forum. I hope it will handle the problem much better.

Sounds great!

The new registration system is now active. New forum members registration process is now managed by a new system I developed, not by SMF software.


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