Support > General

Maximum Page Length?


there seems to be a maximum length allowed by the CMS for a single article (approx. 63454 characters).
Is it possible to change this or is there a solution to making a page longer than this (I know it's very long - it's a special case, a long sortable table).
It seems like perhaps one solution is to put the content in a module instead of in the article.

If you use pagebreak plugin in your articles, maybe you would find a solution to your problem...

The limitation is not from Elxis but from the database.

Database columns "introtext" and "maintext" which store the introduction and main article's text respectively are of type TEXT which has a maximum length of 65535 bytes. This is equal to 10 pages of HTML text. I believe this is enough for an article. If this is not enough for you you can change it to MEDIUMTEXT. Be careful if you copy-paste HTML from word you might have a large text due to the garbage html you copy from word. I have seen this several times. If you clean the html you will have 10 times less size.

Here are the limits of each TEXT data type for MySQL database:

TEXT 65,535 bytes ~64kb
MEDIUMTEXT 16,777,215 bytes ~16MB
LONGTEXT 4,294,967,295 bytes ~4GB

I believe you are only insteresting in article's main text, so here are the instruction to change it from TEXT to MEDIUMTEXT:

Go to your PHPMyAdmin and your database, go to table "elx_content", click to view table structure, click column "maintext" to edit it.
Change type from "TEXT" to "MEDIUMTEXT" and click Save (See attached screenshot).

Or execute the MySQL command below:
ALTER TABLE `elx_content` CHANGE `maintext` `maintext` MEDIUMTEXT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci NULL DEFAULT NULL;

Note: Change "elx_" to your database tables prefix if you use an other prefix than "elx_".

Thank you very much! This is very interesting and helpful.


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