Support > Elxis 2008 developers guide

Add tooltips in button mambots


With Elxis 2008 you can add tooltips to button type mambots.

How to use
Create your mymambot.btn.php file and make your register funvtion return a three elements array (the third element -tooltip- is optional) like this:

return array( 'button_image_file, 'example_code', 'tooltip' );


--- Code: (php) ---$tip = 'Inserts a page break. You may also set the page title and/or the heading<br>';
$tip .= '<b>Examples:</b><br>';
$tip .= '{mospagebreak}<br>';
$tip .= '{mospagebreak title=The first page}<br>';
$tip .= '{mospagebreak heading=The first page&amp;title=The page title}';

return array( 'mospage.png', '{mospagebreak}', $tip );
--- End code ---

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