EI RSS Feed plugin for Elxis 4.x is based on jQuery script by Zazar (http://www.zazar.net/developers/jquery/zrssfeed/). With this plug-in you can display in your articles one or more RSS feeds from other sites containing news, media and other.
elxisLoader::loadFile('includes/libraries/elxis/feed.class.php');$feed = new elxisFeed('rss');$feed->addChannel('Some title');$feed->addItem('Title 1', 'Description 1', 'http://www.example.com/article1.html', 'time created', 'Author name', 'media/images/image1');$feed->addItem('Title 2', 'Description 2', 'http://www.example.com/article2.html', 'time created', 'Author name');$feed->makeFeed('saveshow', 'cache/feeds/myrss.xml');
I have only one question. On mouse over of each title link feed i could expect and wish to be displayed the title of each article. As it is now it shows a general title
Slidorion module is a combination of an image slider and an accordion, displaying beautiful content through various effects. With slides linked to each tab, and accompanied by a large array of effects, the Slidorion module is a great alternative to the traditional jQuery slider. Multiple instances of slidorion module and Cache are supported.The original javascript code was written by Ben Holland (http://www.slidorion.com/).