Support > Database

problem in insert comment


when I want to insert a comment in site,I can insert it,but can not record and see this error:

URI: index2.php
Message: Unknown column 'notify' in 'where clause'
SELECT author, email FROM elx_comments WHERE origin=1 AND articleid=5614 AND published=1 AND notify=1 AND email<>'' GROUP BY ema

I guess you have updated from an older Elxis version but you forgotten to update the database. Column "notify" should exist in table elx_comments.

XML schema for table elx_comments on Elxis 2009.3:

--- Code: ---<table name="comments">
<field name="cid" type="I">
<KEY />
<field name="origin" type="I1">
<DEFAULT value="0" />
<field name="articleid" type="I">
<DEFAULT value="0" />
<field name="cmessage" type="X2"></field>
<field name="ctimestamp" type="C" size="20"></field>
<field name="ipaddress" type="C" size="64"></field>
<field name="userid" type="I">
<DEFAULT value="0" />
<field name="author" type="C" size="80"></field>
<field name="email" type="C" size="120"></field>
<field name="published" type="I1">
<DEFAULT value="1" />
<field name="notify" type="I4">
<DEFAULT value="0" />
--- End code ---

I add column "notify" in table elx-comments,but there are 2 problems:

1.I dont know what does it means: "type:I4"

2.what can I write in column "notify" for insert comment?

I was able to solve it.


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