Fix Multiple Price Modifier Selection: Are you sure? Price modifiers will be changed elsewhere
B2B abilities: Make this more clear
Value more than 10 for Quantity: This is controlled by the general settings and the product stock.
Ability to make the shop as a listing/catalog manager by disabling [orders] and [prices]Currently I have 2 customers that they want to show their products , but don't want to sell them online
<?php $tpl = 'default_skin';if (($option == 'com_eshop') && ($task == 'category')) { switch (intval(mosGetParam($_REQUEST, 'cid', 0))) { case 1: $tpl = 'skin_for_category1'; break; case 2: case 4: case 12: $tpl = 'skin_for_categories_2_4_12'; break; case 19: $tpl = 'skin_for_category19'; break; default: break; }}include($tpl.'.php');?>