Κάποιος άλλος τρόπος?
<?php// Put all the php.ini parameters you want to change below. One per line.// Follow the example format $parm[] = "parameter = value";$parm[] = "register_globals = Off";//$parm[] = "session.use_trans_sid = 0";// full unix path - location of the default php.ini file at your host// you can determine the location of the default file using phpinfo()$defaultPath = '/usr/local/lib/php.ini'; // full unix path - location where you want your custom php.ini file$customPath = "/home/?name?/public_html/php.ini";// nothing should change below this line.if (file_exists($defaultPath)) { $contents = file_get_contents($defaultPath); $contents .= "\n\n; USER MODIFIED PARAMETERS FOLLOW\n\n"; foreach ($parm as $value) $contents .= $value . " \n"; $handle = fopen($customPath, 'w'); if (fwrite($handle, $contents)) { fclose($handle); if (chmod($customPath,0600)) $message = "The php.ini file has been modified and copied"; else $message = "Processing error - php.ini chmod failed"; } else { $message = "Processing error - php.ini write failed"; }} else { $message = "Processing error - php.ini file not found";}echo $message;?>
disable_functions = "system, exec, passthru, shell_exec, suexec, dbmopen, popen, proc_open, disk_free_space, diskfreespace, set_time_limit, leak"
Να ζητήσω δηλαδή από το hosting να μου δώσουν ένα αντίγραφο του php.ini........?
allow_url_fopen = Offshort_open_tag = Ondisplay_errors = Offupload_max_filesize = 50Mpost_max_size = 50Msession.save_path = /home/username/public_html/somedirdisable_functions = "system, exec, passthru, shell_exec, suexec, dbmopen, popen, proc_open, disk_free_space, diskfreespace, set_time_limit, leak"
απαραίτητο είναι να επιτρέπεται στην php να διαβάσει το δικό σου php.ini (να είσαι μέσα στα επιτρεπτά paths)