Support > Installation




I am working on installing Elxis on my hosting server... and i got the same error message on the index2.php file on line 94, so i commented out the lines that were suggested and i received the same issue that another member did; that the MYQSL version is not newer then 4.1, but i have an up-to-date version 5.0+ so i know that it isnt the issue here. Is there a way to get around this MYQSL version check to get the installation to work? Or is there something bigger going on here?

Please help if you can.



System tells elxis that you have an outdated mysql, this can not be wrong. Please check again your Mysql version something is not right. If your hoster made an update now tell them to restart mysql server.

If you want to proceed even if you have an old mysql open installation/install2.php and comment lines 122-127:

--- Code: (php) ---/*
//mysql 4.1 and up only
if (eregi('mysql', $DBtype)) {
   $myversion = $datadict->serverInfo['version'];
   if ($myversion < 4.1) {
       db_err ("stepBack", 'Only mysql 4.1 and latest are supported!');

--- End code ---


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