Ooops, I just noticed that you want to load the lightbox from the article. So my above answer is wrong, sorry. You can bind any html element to a lightbox with many methods, you can for example use data-url attribute or a special css class. Off course you will need to have lightbox loaded before as Stavros previously said.Final answer to your question.1. Make sure lightbox is loaded. You can put this in your template, or in your extension (if any)$eDoc = eFactory::getDocument();$eDoc->loadLightbox();2.Now bind all A elements with class "something" (you can change it to anything you want) to lightbox:$eDoc->addDocReady('$(".something").colorbox({iframe:true, width:600, height:450});');We are ready!Now any link you add having a CSS class "something" will open as iframe in a lightbox window.Note: You don't have to load jQuery. When you load lightbox, Elxis also loads jQuery.Example (using eLink plugin for portable links)<a href="#elink:content:article.html" class="something">Open article in lightbox window</a>Example (for inner.php links - not portable)Note that eLink does not support inner.php links, so if you want to open the link only in component view you should use the full article's url:<a href="" class="something">Open article in lightbox window</a>