Also I have seen in some Elxis sites a drop down menu with Google page Translator. Were can I find this function? Thanks a lot for your support.
For example in drupal I can paste this code to a block
At the present Forum we provide help and support only for Elxis CMS
Thanks Supernet for your reply. I cannot understand niko's answer because it is obvious that this forum support Elxis! I have mentioned in my first post that Iam a newbie and I have downloaded yesterday Elxis 2009.2 version and in the "Site bots" section I can not found any bot with name "Translate". Supernet I want to know how can I select as many language as I prefer to google translator like the paradigm in the site Where there appearing only 5 languages except the original Greek?
Oops TinyMCE editor deforms the right snippet code in the "html" session. So the google translation snippet doesn't work. Why? The only thing Ι can do is to working without wysiwyg editor from global settings but this is not correct. How can I fix this issue? Any idea please?