Smart language switch has to do with MENU items, NOT with CONTENT items.
....In example "Downloads" for english, "αρχεία" in Greek and so on... Is this possible?If I have two different menu items,"Downloads" and "αρχεία", Smart language switch doe not work.
Football results (link to section A, menu item available for languages: english, italian) --->worksΑποτελέσματα ποδοσφαίρου (link to section A, menu item available for languages: greek)----> go to homepage
1) sample content structure (with two content items in different languages)2) sample menu (that can show how elxis can switch from one content item to another and stay on the same page).
<?php if ($mitem->id == 'XXX') { //where XXX the Itemid we are interested in global $lang; switch ($lang) { case 'greek': $mitem->name = 'Ελληνικός Τίτλος'; break; case 'italian': $mitem->name = 'Titolo in Italiano'; break; case 'english': default: break; //leave the title as is for English and any other language }}?>