Elxis CMS Forum

Support => Elxis 4.x/5.x DEV => Topic started by: datahell on November 29, 2020, 22:15:31

Title: Elxis 5.2 feature requests
Post by: datahell on November 29, 2020, 22:15:31
If you have any requests for the upcoming Elxis 5.2 you may post them here. If you have found a bug in Elxis, or there is something we must fix, or improve, or is not easy to use, or you have an idea on how to improve it, also report it here.
Title: Re: Elxis 5.2 feature requests
Post by: Dimitris Kanatas on December 02, 2020, 09:33:25
GR: Η συγκατάθεση για την αποδοχή Cookies πρέπει να είναι σαφής, ρητή και ειδική και το πρόσθετο πιστεύω πως πρέπει να είναι αναπόσπαστο κομμάτι του elxis. Δεν καλύπτεται πλεον ο ιδιοκτήτης με απλή ενημέρωση για τη χρήση cookies. Γιάννη αν έχεις χρόνο κάνε ένα σύστημα διαχείρισης και ενημέρωσης χρηστών για τα cookies στον πυρήνα του elxis. Δεν μπορεί να υπάρξει site χωρίς αυτό άρα νομίζω πλεον επιβάλλεται να είναι κομμάτι του elxis (Πηγή (https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EL/TXT/HTML/?uri=CELEX:32016R0679&from=EL#d1e40-1-1))
Title: Re: Elxis 5.2 feature requests
Post by: datahell on December 02, 2020, 20:31:10
Δεν νομίζω ότι είναι σωστό να είναι ενσωματωμένο στο Elxis γιατί η εμφάνιση και τα περιεχόμενά του μπορεί να είναι πολύ custom. Περισσότερο αρμόζει στο να είναι ενσωματωμένο στο template. Το module Cookie policy (https://www.elxis.net/edc/miscellaneous/88.html) νομίζω ότι καλύπτει τις ανάγκες καθώς έχει και τη λειτουργία "Read more" όπου αν πατηθεί πας σε άρθρο που μπορεί να περιέχει αναλυτικότατα ότι θέλεις.

Επίσης κάτι σημαντικό: Το Elxis δεν αποθηκεύει ΚΑΝΕΝΑ προσωπικό στοιχείο στα cookies, δεν κάνει tracking και τίποτα απολύτως δεν αποθηκεύει στα cookies πέραν του απαραίτητου session id για την περιήγηση στην ιστοσελίδα (*). Αυτό το οποίο είναι ο ΜΕΓΑΛΟΣ ΡΟΥΦΙΑΝΟΣ είναι τα στατιστικά google και το facebook που βάζετε στα site σας. Αυτά όχι απλά αποθηκεύουν προσωπικά δεδομένα αλλά σου κάνουν tracking από site σε site.

* Το session ID δημιουργείται από τον server/php και υπάρχουν 2 τρόποι να μεταφερθεί από σελίδα σε σελίδα:
1. Αποθηκεύοντας το σε ένα cookie.
2. Περνώντας το στην URL του site (δηλ. όλες οι σελίδες θα έχουν τη μορφή http://example.com/anything/?PHPSESSID=blahblah - καθόλου ωραίο ε; )

Συνεπώς, πρακτικά, δεν υπάρχει άλλος τρόπος να διαφυλαχθεί το session id πέραν της αποθήκευσής του σε 1 cookie και αυτό είναι αυτό που κάνει το Elxis.
Title: Re: Elxis 5.2 feature requests
Post by: Dimitris Kanatas on December 03, 2020, 09:53:40
Καλημέρα Γιάννη,

Χρειάζεται, αν έχεις χρόνο, η αλλαγή του τρόπου λειτουργίας του πρόσθετου μιας και η ενημέρωση μόνο δεν προβλέπεται από τον κανονισμό (χθες τελείωσα ένα σχετικό σεμινάριο του ΕΚΔΔΑ)

"Η συγκατάθεση θα πρέπει να παρέχεται με σαφή θετική ενέργεια η οποία να συνιστά ελεύθερη, συγκεκριμένη, ρητή και εν πλήρει επιγνώσει ένδειξη της συμφωνίας του υποκειμένου των δεδομένων... Αυτό θα μπορούσε να περιλαμβάνει τη συμπλήρωση ενός τετραγωνιδίου κατά την επίσκεψη σε διαδικτυακή ιστοσελίδα, την επιλογή των επιθυμητών τεχνικών ρυθμίσεων για υπηρεσίες της κοινωνίας των πληροφοριών ή μια δήλωση ή συμπεριφορά που δηλώνει σαφώς, στο συγκεκριμένο πλαίσιο, ότι το υποκείμενο των δεδομένων αποδέχεται..... Επομένως, η σιωπή, τα προσυμπληρωμένα τετραγωνίδια ή η αδράνεια δεν θα πρέπει να εκλαμβάνονται ως συγκατάθεση..."

Πριν από την αποθήκευση να εμφανίζει μια επιλογή αποδοχής (θετική ενέργεια) όπως συμβαίνει με το site της εικόνας δηλαδή.

Νομίζω πως θα πρέπει να περιλαμβάνεται στον πυρήνα όπως και οι άλλες λειτουργίες του πυρήνα και η εμφάνιση να ορίζεται από τον κώδικα του template.

Είναι πολύ σημαντικό να έχουμε τον έλεγχο των δεδομένων που αποθηκεύουμε και στο Elxis αξίζουν πολλά μπράβο για τον τόσο "καθαρό" τρόπο λειτουργίας του.
Title: Re: Elxis 5.2 feature requests
Post by: perseas on December 03, 2020, 20:25:50
Καλησπέρα σε όλους
Θα συμφωνήσω με τον Δημήτρη ότι το module Cookie policy , ότι θέλει αναβάθμιση και περισσότερη εξειδίκευση με την ισχύουσα αυστηρή νομοθεσία.
Επίσης θα αναφέρω μερικά σημεία τα οποία με έχουν απασχολήσει κατά την προσωπική μου εκτίμηση.

1.(editor) Κυριαρχικό ζήτημα για το Elxis CMS  όπως και κάθε CMS είναι ο editor που χρησιμοποιεί και πρέπει να είναι εύχρηστος για τον διαχειριστή. Το ζήτημα έχει συζητηθεί διεξοδικά στο forum αλλά το επαναφέρω παρά τις εκτιμήσεις και τις απαντήσεις που έχουν ήδη δοθεί. Ο editor πρέπει να υποστηρίζει το copy-paste απο  word με καθαρό κώδικα όπως προγενέστερα. Επίσης ο υπάρχων editor σε κάθε κενή παράγραφο προσθέτει [<p>&nbsp;<br></p>] αντί του [<p>&nbsp;</p>] όπως παλαιότερα με αποτέλεσμα να δημιουργούνται επιπλέον κενά στο περιεχόμενο.

2. Να παραμετροποιηθεί η δυνατότητα οι χρήστες - μέλη να στέλνουν προσωπικά μηνύματα μόνο προς τους διαχειριστές με ξεχωριστή ρύθμιση και όχι το κάθε μέλος να στέλνει ανεξέλεγκτα προσωπικά (spam) μηνύματα σε όλα τα μέλη.

3. Η ημερομηνία στη φόρμα αποτελεσμάτων αναζήτησης να εμφανίζεται στον πυθμένα του κάθε αποτελέσματος (άρθρου).

4. Στα αποτελέσματα αναζητήσεων περιεχομένου να δοθεί παράμετρος εμφάνισης ή όχι της εικόνας του άρθρου αφού υπάρχουν περιπτώσεις που δημοσιεύοντα άρθρα χωρίς εικόνες και είναι αντιαισθητική η εμφάνιση της κενής εικόνας.

5. Αύξηση του μήκους (και χαρακτήρων) του τίτλου του άρθρου στη Διαχείριση πίνακα άρθρων περιεχομένου Administration/Content/Articles/Title . Μετά από κάθε αναβάθμιση του elxis το αυξάνω για να είναι πιο εύχρηστο.
Title: Re: Elxis 5.2 feature requests
Post by: datahell on December 03, 2020, 21:03:20
Cookie policy: Σε σχέση με την εικόνα που δείχνεις Δημήτρη αυτό που λείπει είναι ουσιαστικά και το κουμπί "Δεν συμφωνώ". Αν μάλιστα προσθέσω και την δυνατότητα να γράφεις ελεύθερα ότι κείμενο θέλεις να εμφανίζει νομίζω θα είσαι ΟΚ, έτσι δεν είναι; Αλήθεια όταν πατηθεί το "Δεν συμφωνώ" τι θα γίνεται; Θα πηγαίνει πχ στο google;

perseas: Καταγράφηκαν όλα τα αιτήματά σου. Θα τα εξετάσω ένα-ένα το επόμενο διάστημα. Για τον editor το έχω πει πολλές φορές, το βασικό πρόβλημα είναι ο file manager, γι αυτό, κυρίως, επιλέχθηκε ο Jodit. Θα τον αναβαθμίσω, αν υπάρχει νεότερη έκδοση, και θα προσπαθήσω να τον βελτιώσω αν γίνεται.
Title: Re: Elxis 5.2 feature requests
Post by: Dimitris Kanatas on December 03, 2020, 22:10:07
Γιάννη το Δεν αποδέχομαι ή Δεν συμφωνώ φαντάζομαι θα σε πηγαίνει σε μια σελίδα (δεν θα αποθηκεύεται η επιλογή) όπου θα εξηγεί γιατί είναι απαραίτητη η ύπαρξη των cookies για το site.

Τώρα google, facebook elxis... νομίζω πως θα μπορούσες από τον πυρήνα να εξειδικευτούν και να επιλέγει ο χρήστης (με τσεκάρισμα) το τι θα αποθηκεύονται στον υπολογιστή του αλλά αυτό πολύ σύνθετο και δε ξέρω αν έχεις χρόνο για τέτοια εξειδίκευση και δε ξέρω αν θα αξίζει ο κόπος σου.

Για τον editor θα συμφωνήσω με τον perseas ότι θέλει βελτίωση γιατί βλέπω τον εαυτό μου που πηγαίνω σε κάθε δημοσίευση συχνά στην εμφάνιση του κώδικα για να διορθώσω πράγματα κάτι που σημαίνει πως κάτι δεν πάει καλά.

Και θα προτείνω πάλι να υπάρχει δυνατότητα ανάρτησης αρχείων με συγκεκριμένες επεκτάσεις και μεγέθους (pdf, docx) χωρίς εγκατάσταση κάποιου πρόσθετο (που απαιτεί πολλαπλές ενέργειες από πλευρά διαχειριστή).

Επίσης στο αρχείο... το εισαγωγικό κείμενο των άρθρων (μήνα ή έτους) εμφανίζεται χωρίς τη μορφοποίησή του και δεν μπορώ να καταλάβω γιατί γίνεται αυτό. Να το δούμε;

Αυτά Γιάννη... και πάλι σε ευχαριστούμε για το χρόνο σου!
Title: Re: Elxis 5.2 feature requests
Post by: sraa on December 05, 2020, 22:12:03
Καλησπέρα σας
Θα ήθελα στην νέα έκδοση να υπάρχει το παλιό γνωστό και αγαπημένο eForum Component που δεν τρέχει τώρα πια στο elxis cms
Μια άλλη ιδέα να υπάρχει δυνατότητα προθήκης επιπλέον εικόνων με το τρόπο που ανεβάζουμε την κύρια εικόνα του άρθρου
Θα ήθελα να έχει ένα μοντέρνο Slider στην αρχική σελίδα
Επίσης θα ήθελα να έχει πιο μοντέρνα εμφάνιση στα Πολυμέσα στη διαχείριση  :)
Title: Module Cookie policy updated
Post by: datahell on December 06, 2020, 22:20:14
The module Cookie Policy updated to version 1.2.

Notes about this version:

1. Added the option to display the module in full screen window (actually the guest cannot enter the site unless he accepts the cookies policy).
2. Added the option to display a Refuse button.
3. Added the option to select the refuse action (go to link / google / close browser window)
4. More options for the Accept button text.
5. You can now set your own, texts for title and description and fully customize the message shown to site guests. These texts are multilingual.
6. CSS improvements
7. Cookie generation improved (samesite support as of Elxis 5.1+).

Download Cookie policy v1.2 (https://www.elxis.net/edc/miscellaneous/88.html)
Title: Re: Elxis 5.2 feature requests
Post by: armpouniotis on December 07, 2020, 00:16:15
Hi there !

1) I would like og meta tags for facebook to be included in this new version !
2) A simple way to make a menu responsive ! Right now, it is a little bit complicated...

Thank you !
Title: Re: Module Cookie policy updated
Post by: Dimitris Kanatas on December 07, 2020, 10:26:31
The module Cookie Policy updated to version 1.2.

Notes about this version:

1. Added the option to display the module in full screen window (actually the guest cannot enter the site unless he accepts the cookies policy).
2. Added the option to display a Refuse button.
3. Added the option to select the refuse action (go to link / google / close browser window)
4. More options for the Accept button text.
5. You can now set your own, texts for title and description and fully customize the message shown to site guests. These texts are multilingual.
6. CSS improvements
7. Cookie generation improved (samesite support as of Elxis 5.1+).

Download Cookie policy v1.2 (https://www.elxis.net/edc/miscellaneous/88.html)

Super!!!! Μπράβο Γιάννη!!!
Title: Re: Elxis 5.2 feature requests
Post by: datahell on December 08, 2020, 21:19:02
1) I would like og meta tags for facebook to be included in this new version !
2) A simple way to make a menu responsive ! Right now, it is a little bit complicated...

1. For og meta tags use the Facebook Open Graph plugin (https://www.elxis.net/edc/social/161.html). Further implementation of facebook into Elxis is not part of the core. Elxis is the framework and provides basic functionality and the tools to extend its features. So, you can develop a plugin, module, template, whatever, if you need more customization.

2. For the site administrator/end user is not complicated at all. Elxis built-in menu module does it automatically. You don't have to do anything! If you want to develop your own menu module then off course you need some skills (a little php and mostly css). This cannot become easier or harder. If you know CSS you design your own menus in a custom way. I am sorry if I didn't understood the question and replied wrong.

A general note: Elxis is a framework, not just a CMS. We focus on implementing in Elxis core all the tools you will need to develop your own extensions. We cannot personalize Elxis to each of you, neither include hundreds of built-in extensions in the main release. The Elxis core is already extremely powerful and I strongly believe it has already all the support you need. An image slider, a template, a mega menu, a facebook integration, etc, are not subjects of Elxis core. Elxis has some built-in basic extensions but for more you must install third party extensions or develop your owns. Also we always count the percentage of the users that are going to use a feature. For instance I am thinking of implementing a 2-Factor authentication system. How many are going to use it? Is it worth the effort to develop it just for a few users?
Title: Re: Elxis 5.2 feature requests
Post by: perseas on December 09, 2020, 13:22:10
For instance I am thinking of implementing a 2-Factor authentication system. How many are going to use it? Is it worth the effort to develop it just for a few users?

Elxis CMS is one of the most secure content management systems if not the safest. I think that it is missing from Elxis a 2-Factor authentication system and I will be the first to put it into operation.
Title: Re: Elxis 5.2 feature requests
Post by: datahell on December 09, 2020, 20:39:43
I have many ideas for Elxis. For some of them I have made experiments in the past. Here are some that I think about frequently:
- Voice commands (already tested)
- Artificial intelligence (tested some general concepts)
- Extensible content (custom user fields with additional data for content items)
- 2 factor authentication (alternative option is mobile/sms verification pin)
- Automatic content

Regarding the 2-factor authentication, why I haven't done it yet:
- We must use 1 or more third party authentication providers. Most of them required paid subscription. An option I have checked, for a example, is the YubiKey. YubiKey is a USB stick which you must plug into the computer in order to be authenticated (and be able to access Elxis administration). A free option is the Google Authenticator service. In all cases we rely on a third party service which is something we must avoid. An option would also be to develop our own authentication provider service (ElxisAuth). Such a service could run on elxis.org and all Elxis users could use it for 2-factor authentication for free.

- An alternative option is the SMS verification pin, which most probably all have already used when you login at your bank's web interface or when you pay with your credit card. The problem with this method (which I personally like more) is that sending SMS from the web requires also a third party provider (like clickatell) which is always a paid service. Also in this case we can develop our own SMS gateway (we only need a GSM modem and small PC, even rasberryPi) if someone pays the monthly bill for the SIM card :-)

- An even more advanced solution is the face recognition technology (parts of it use Artificial Intelligence). I haven't performed any tests or even searched for information about it and, most probably, the browsers don't have full support for that yet. Edit: Hmmm, there is a javascript TensorFlow library (https://github.com/justadudewhohacks/face-api.js) available... Edit2: And it is working good... Edit3: Even if it is possible it is not a very secure method for authentication as someone can spoof the detector (eg show a picture of you to the camera)
Title: Re: Elxis 5.2 feature requests
Post by: bledi on December 10, 2020, 10:24:20
What about fixing the existing problems:
Facebook comments plugin it is has problems, keeps trying to login all the time when someone trying to write e comment.
Why the facebook like button and comments are shown in the category listing, automatically???
Image gallery is only one available...and we have to adjust the photos the same size to look nice in desktop version. All the other gallery plugins does not function well anymore.
Title: Re: Elxis 5.2 feature requests
Post by: datahell on December 10, 2020, 20:34:24
Facebook Comments is a third party extension. Open a new topic for it.
Facebook like: Extensions > Components > Content > Parameters > Facebook : Set the default option to Hide (you can enable it later on individual articles)
Image Gallery: There are other options available too https://www.elxis.net/edc/multimedia/ (https://www.elxis.net/edc/multimedia/). However, we as Elxis Team, are not responsible for third party extensions. How many image galleries to integrate by default in Elxis? Also note: For any image gallery if you want to look nice you must use images of same dimensions. This is a global rule.
Title: Re: Elxis 5.2 feature requests
Post by: bledi on December 11, 2020, 10:51:10
Thanks for the answer
Facebook Comments: OK
Facebook like: I set it to Hide, but nothing happens. I want to show this plugin in articles, but not in category listing.
Image Gallery: I think the elxis image gallery at least the thumbnails should be resized automatically
Title: Re: Elxis 5.2 feature requests
Post by: kyomar on December 11, 2020, 13:46:33
Agree with bledi about automatic thumbnails. I do this now manually with datahell's modification from a few years back with filename_thumb.jpg. It works actually great and I can decide thumbnail size. This modification has never been implemented into the gallery plugin that's why with every gallery update I have to replace with old/modified gallery plugin. I am ok with doing it manually but could you please upgrade the gallery plugin for manual thumbnails. Datahell, i can pm you the modified gallery plugin if you need it.
Thanks a lot!

PS. while we talk about updates, It would still be nice if one could chose which files to keep and not update (modifications like gallery plugin or css). After a comparison of the new/old files I can upgrade individual files manually if wanted/needed. Now I update "all" files manually so not to override the modified ones (the old way :-( ). BTW, the check file-system is great and helps a lot. Here one could flag the ones not to update.
Title: Re: Elxis 5.2 feature requests
Post by: datahell on December 11, 2020, 20:28:10
@kyomar: I dont remember this modification. If you wish send it to me.

Regarding CSS modifications. During an Elxis update all Elxis core files are checked if they are up-to-date. Elxis does this by checking the hash of the official file with the one on the site. If they are different it updates the file. So, if you have perform any modifications on the file these will be lost. An exception are the "config" files and a few other files. "config" files are all the files that have a "config" in their name. Examples: mytest.config.php, shopconfig.php, myconfiguration.txt, sysconfig.css, etc. These files are excluded from update.
Usually we update the CSS files not for aesthetic reasons but because the extension's html changed or new css rules added. If you restore the old file after the update these new rules will not exist and the extension will not look correct. So never overwrite official CSS, JS, etc files.

The solution for CSS updates
The proper way to modify the CSS of ANY extension is to write your custom CSS rules in your template's CSS file. If you use a standard template, like Five, then your changes will also be lost after an update. This is why we have several times said not to use the standard template, or at least copy and rename it to something else. A solution from our side, and I am thinking of implementing this on Elxis 5.2, is a global CSS overwrite file which you will be able to modify from within Elxis administration. You could add there any CSS rules you want and these rules would overwrite everything (templates, extensions, etc). This custom file will not be affected by Elxis updates. Maybe we could do the same for javascript too.
Title: Re: Elxis 5.2 feature requests
Post by: kyomar on December 12, 2020, 01:42:14
Thanks datahell for the detailed explanation about css modifications. I had to modify those files to get everything correctly lined up and colored. E.g. I have the newsletter module in the bottom of template five (love this template) with dark grey background and "enter your e-mail to ..." was in dark grey as well, so I changed to white. Whenever there was a css file updated I compared it with my modified file and updated it if needed.

The solution you suggest sounds very interesting, looking forward to it.

I have attached the gallery plugin, hope it helps.

Thanks a lot!
Title: Elxis 5.2 - Code editor
Post by: datahell on December 13, 2020, 21:59:12
Done! I believe I made it better than you expected.

I implemented code editing functionality with syntax highlight.

In Elxis 5.2 you can:

1. Edit Modules, Plugins, Templates, and Search engines CSS files directly from Elxis administration console.
2. Edit template's PHP files (index.php, inner,php, 404.php, etc). You are not allowed to edit the administration templates and the system template.
3. Write your own CSS rules, or overwrite existing ones on user.config CSS file. This file Elxis loads it automatically last, even after the template's CSS file, so you can easy overwrite anything. You don't have anymore to modify extensions for styling purposes and moreover your style will stay intact after an extension modification. Even more, you dont have to modify your existing template to use this new feature. Elxis applies your CSS file in a very smart way. Off course there is also an -rtl version for RTL languages.
4. Write your javascript code on user.config.js file. You can write anything and Elxis will load it after all other javascript files have been loaded.
5. For CSS file there is also validation available (through W3C).

See attached screenshots.
Title: Elxis 5.2 - user.config files
Post by: datahell on December 13, 2020, 22:08:00
And this is how Elxis 5.2 adds your custom user.config CSS/JS files in HTML, I repeat without you to have to modify your template!
Title: Re: Elxis 5.2 feature requests
Post by: kyomar on December 14, 2020, 10:36:14
Why I am not surprised, you are a genius datahell. I cannot wait to start using this new feature, makes my/our lives so much easier and of course elxis even better - if that is possible, because it's already awesome :-).
A big thank you!
Title: Re: Elxis 5.2 feature requests
Post by: michalis1984 on December 14, 2020, 11:42:21
Very useful feature. Congrats datahell for implementing this.
Title: Re: Elxis 5.2 feature requests
Post by: michalis1984 on December 14, 2020, 12:07:32
- Extensible content (custom user fields with additional data for content items)

I would love to see at some point custom content.

The way I am thinking it.

"Content"->article to be the basic content type in Elxis as it works now. But to have a way for the website creator to extent this "content" and create other types, like "content"->book, "content"->company, "content"->review, without the need to create a new component. Each of these content extensions can give the ease to the end user to add plugins at specific positions, in an easy way (by filling a field), without the need to play with the code each time in the editor and can have some logic in programmatic level.

I think mikro works the same way, because each time you create a new post it gives the flexibility to add map, youtube video etc by just filling a field. So, eg on "content"->book will be specified somehow* in programmatic level that these extra fields will be available in elxis backed when you add this content type. eg if the extra is a youtube video... you will just have a field to fill with the youtube id of the video and the video will be visible at the specified position. If its the map, just need to add the coordinates. Elxis will check if plugins are installed and enabled, if not I can give a warning in frontend. Not all extra fields will make a use of a plugin. In "content"->book for example extra fields can be simple thing like a text, author, year of release etc. which the extension will use in its logic to create eg a table or a graph.

* the way I am thinking of it this "somehow" can be a new small class like *book.class.html somewhere in com_content which will extend the parent core class of content component only with the necessary classes, which will be responsible to specify the presentation and the logic of the content if needed, and maybe an xml which will specify which fields are available or required in the backed.
Title: Elxis 5.2 - Access for sending personal messages
Post by: datahell on December 16, 2020, 21:03:50
2. Να παραμετροποιηθεί η δυνατότητα οι χρήστες - μέλη να στέλνουν προσωπικά μηνύματα μόνο προς τους διαχειριστές με ξεχωριστή ρύθμιση και όχι το κάθε μέλος να στέλνει ανεξέλεγκτα προσωπικά (spam) μηνύματα σε όλα τα μέλη.

@perseas: Added parameter in component User that controls to whom standard users are allowed to send personal messages. Available options are: None, Administrators and Managers, All (default). This option applies only to standard users. Rest user groups like admins, managers, authors, etc, are allowed to send personal messages to everyone.
Title: Elxis 5.2 - Gallery plugin updated
Post by: datahell on December 17, 2020, 22:53:19
@bledi and @kyomar: The Gallery plugin was updated. The following new options are available since Elxis 5.2:

You can enable the generation of images thumbnails. You can set various options for the thumbnails (width, height/auto-height, distortion/crop). The thumbnails are generated automatically by Elxis, get saved in filesystem (in order not to be generated on each page refresh) and automatically updated if you change the settings. On each individual plugin integration/gallery you can have different settings.

Also added the option to set the number of columns to 3 or 4.
Title: Re: Elxis 5.2 feature requests
Post by: kyomar on December 18, 2020, 08:01:25
That's great datahell, something else to look forward in 5.2 - exciting times. Thanks a lot!
Title: Elxis 5.2 - Search engine Content
Post by: datahell on December 18, 2020, 22:35:46
@perseas: Component Search > Search engine Content

The following new options added in Elxis 5.2:
1. Option to display articles' images: Yes / No / Only if image exists
2. Option to set the text (subtitle actually) position: Top / Bottom

Also the highlight option works now on the search results too.
Title: Re: Elxis 5.2 feature requests
Post by: perseas on December 19, 2020, 15:44:19
@datahell: Thank you for responding to my requests. Keep up the good work.
Title: Re: Elxis 5.2 feature requests
Post by: seadhna on January 12, 2021, 19:12:38
Assuming these are not already possible (but maybe I am wrong):

1) Enable 2-step verification to login to the CMS - is that already possible? To receive a code to mobile phone for example? e.g. Google Authenticator tool?
2) Automate weekly or daily site backups - at present is this only possible manually?
Title: Re: Elxis 5.2 feature requests
Post by: seadhna on January 12, 2021, 19:17:12
datahell, i just found your previous replies about 2-factor authentication (I was searching for 2-step verification) so please disregard my request about that.
Title: Automatic database backup
Post by: datahell on January 12, 2021, 19:54:28
Regarding automatic backups: It is not enabled by default but Elxis provides you with ready to use tools to do it.

The backup functionality from Elxis administration is helpful to those want to take a backup immediately or for those they dont have backup functionality by their hosting provider/server. I think all of you can take automatic backups from your server so you dont actually need this Elxis feature.

Elxis has built-in cronjobs functionality which supports user customization (and much more). To make a script run periodically just put it inside folder repository/cronjobs/ and Elxis will execute it every 10 minutes. Off course you can make the script run once per day or once per week by setting time checkers in this file.

Custom cronjob in Elxis CMS:
repository/cronjobs/anything.php (anything you put here will be executed every 10 minutes)

Inside anything.php file:
The code to take a database backup is ridiculous easy:
$sql = eFactory::getDB()->backup();
After that you must save the contents of $sql variable to a file.

$repo_path = $elxis->getConfig('REPO_PATH');
if ($repo_path == '') { $repo_path = ELXIS_PATH.'/repository'; }
$archive = $repo_path.'/backup/db_'.date('YmdHis').'.zip';
$elxis->obj('zip')->zip($archive, null, array('mydb.sql'=> $sql));

Full example with backup once per day:
$elxis = eFactory::getElxis();
$repo_path = $elxis->getConfig('REPO_PATH');
if ($repo_path == '') { $repo_path = ELXIS_PATH.'/repository'; }

if (!file_exists($repo_path.'/backup/db_'.date('Ymd').'.zip')) {
   $sql = eFactory::getDB()->backup();
   $archive = $repo_path.'/backup/db_'.date('Ymd').'.zip';
   $elxis->obj('zip')->zip($archive, null, array('mydb.sql'=> $sql));

Full example with backup once per week (every Sunday):
if (date('w') == 0) {
   $elxis = eFactory::getElxis();
   $repo_path = $elxis->getConfig('REPO_PATH');
   if ($repo_path == '') { $repo_path = ELXIS_PATH.'/repository'; }
   if (!file_exists($repo_path.'/backup/db_'.date('Ymd').'.zip')) {
      $sql = eFactory::getDB()->backup();
      $archive = $repo_path.'/backup/db_'.date('Ymd').'.zip';
      $elxis->obj('zip')->zip($archive, null, array('mydb.sql'=> $sql));

Note 1: Be careful: Make sure that the database backup will be finished successfully. On large databases/slow servers the script might face timeout errors. In this case do not use automatic database backup.
Note 2: The above script is a sample and does not contain error checking.
Note 3: Cronjobs must be enabled in Elxis configuration (they are disabled by default)
Title: Re: Elxis 5.2 feature requests
Post by: seadhna on January 12, 2021, 22:29:41
This is great! I assume I change 'repository' to the name of the repositry directory. Do I also need to change 'mydb.sql' to the name of the SQL database for the website?
Title: Re: Elxis 5.2 feature requests
Post by: datahell on January 13, 2021, 18:39:20
No, dont change the "repository" name in the above code. This is ready to use code. The path to repository is provided from this code:
$repo_path = $elxis->getConfig('REPO_PATH');

If this is empty then the repository has the default name. So, the code is correct for any case.

The name of the sql file is of no importance. You can name it whatever you want.

Note: I added $elxis declaration in full examples above. ( $elxis = eFactory::getElxis(); )
Title: Re: Elxis 5.2 feature requests
Post by: michalis1984 on January 13, 2021, 20:12:06
Thanks for the tutorial about the cronjobs on Elxis, Datahell. I wasn't aware of this feature of Elxis. This was like an Elxis update for me. This is why Elxis is amazing. It can "update" even without update ;D
Title: Cronjobs
Post by: datahell on January 13, 2021, 20:53:12
Most of you you use Elxis only as a CMS, but Elxis is a framework too and has many-many tools for developers. For cronjobs I must write a tutorial to present you its full potentials. However this is why this forum exists. If you have a question just ask and you will get instructions.

A few more words regarding Cronjobs.
Elxis has 2 options: Elxis cronjobs and external cronjobs.
1. Elxis cronjobs: Elxis is a web application. It runs when you request a page. So if no one asks for a page nothing will run and not even cronjobs will be executed. Although this might sounds like a problem it is not a problem on an online site as guests, web crawlers, etc, often visit all sites. However the cronjobs will not be absolutely accurate. For instance instead of 10 minutes the time interval between 2 successive cronjobs executions might be 12 minutes. Not a problem if you want the cronjobs to be executed once per day. The more clicks your site has the more accurate Elxis cronjobs will be. If you need absolute accuracy in cronjobs execution, or you need to be executed on a very specific time you can go to option 2.
2. External cronjobs. Enable them in Elxis configuration, click apply, copy-paste the URL Elxis provides you. Go to your hosting control panel and set a cronjob to the URL Elxis gave you and set the execution time to whatever you want (eg at 03:15 every Saturday). This way you have absolutely accurate cronjobs for your Elxis without site visitors interference. Also note that in this case the "execution probability" setting has no affect. See attached screenshot.
Title: Re: Elxis 5.2 feature requests
Post by: seadhna on January 14, 2021, 13:21:48
The backup script is working for me now. Thanks for this - really helpful datahell.
Title: Re: Elxis 5.2 feature requests
Post by: seadhna on April 09, 2021, 14:17:02
Hi datahell,
after upgrading an installation to v5.2 - I am unable to click on other tabs in Article or Category - e.g. Parameters, Article's Body.
Wondering if anyone else has this issue.
Title: Re: Elxis 5.2 feature requests
Post by: michalis1984 on April 09, 2021, 14:37:19
Hi datahell,
after upgrading an installation to v5.2 - I am unable to click on other tabs in Article or Category - e.g. Parameters, Article's Body.
Wondering if anyone else has this issue.

Look here https://forum.elxis.org/index.php?topic=9209.msg58407#msg58407
Title: Re: Elxis 5.2 feature requests
Post by: seadhna on April 09, 2021, 14:46:35
Ah great, thanks.