Elxis CMS Forum

Extensions => Templates => Topic started by: dados on December 07, 2009, 01:14:39

Title: template and modules show, not show...
Post by: dados on December 07, 2009, 01:14:39
I was create some template and install Elxis 2009.1 my problem is that if in <?php mosMainBody(); ?> shows nothing then some div and class are also do not show, like in left position, if nothing in left then left position is not display... the problem is on this site, http://www.activegolfvacations.com if you look up you will see 4 modules position and below is light gray position this is for <?php mosMainBody(); ?> but I want to create to this section do not display if nothing is on <?php mosMainBody(); ?>

Example for left position is:
Code: [Select]
<?php if ( $my->id ) { initEditor(); } 
  if((moscountmodules(&#39;left&#39;)==0)) {
echo &#39;<style type="text/css">#mainbodytext { width: 98%;} </style>&#39;."\n";}

and also I put in body some code, but this code create some error with mosMainBody()
Title: Re: template and modules show, not show...
Post by: ks-net on December 07, 2009, 01:59:53

please search forum
Title: Re: template and modules show, not show...
Post by: dados on December 07, 2009, 02:26:38
uff, sorry for this..