Elxis CMS Forum
Support => General => Topic started by: bledi on February 21, 2020, 17:02:49
Hello, i am using the itravel template, Elxis 5.
How to create a footer menu with 3 colums?
Go to Menu -> Menus Manager and if there is not a collection footermenu (by default should exist) add one with collection name footermenu. Then clicking on name of this one you have created, you can add the menu items type you wish. Then go to modules where you will find it on list and clicking on it publish it at module position footer and into parameters set the value Horizontal to Orientation.
Thank you, I want actually to create smth like the attachment, 3 columns, where each of the column has 3, 4 tabs
Or, this site done with the IOS Travel template of Elxis.
Thanks in advanve
This you can do it with Category map module https://www.elxis.net/edc/content/19.html publishing at footer module position or another of the template you use.
Thanks Nikos, but with category map module, not possible to create 3 columns in the fotur menu. I think is needed to have new widget, in order to create Footer 1, Footer 2, Foter 3. It looks like it is a profesionalist job :)
You are welcome. One module position is not enough to show 3 or 4 columns by Category Map module, so you have to do some custom job on the template you use, creating some extra modules positions, if you know how to do it (requires php and css), otherwise you need the help of a professional. Creating the extra module positions, for example user5, user6, user7, user8, then you copy Category Map module 4 times and you publish each one to a unique module position.
Also the custom module positions you have to declare into your elxis installation, if there are not, going to Templates -> Module Positions -> New and there on Position you have to type for example user8 and on Description you type custom position 8, repeating this for all.
It seems a bit strange to me that for the latest template of Elxis, i need to employ someone for the 3 columns footermenu, while the modern templates of wordpress or other CMS have it ready this option.
Another user may ask for a 4 columns footer option (equal each one/4-4-4 separation, another one may ask 4 columns but 3-6-3 separation), another one for 5 columns(etc separations) option, another one for 6 columns+3 at the copyright section... and the possibilities are endless. I believe you can understand that nothing can cover perfectly all users needs. So it needs some level of customisation which requires some very basic knowledge of PHP, Html and/or CSS.
I prefer the simplicity of Elxis templates, and the included template in the latest Elxis version is nice and simple and fast. Many options can make the system heavy without any benefit. It's not really on how "modern" a template is, but more of a choice. If you have 20 variations for the footer just for the end-user to pick 1, well its waste of recourses.
Btw the template already has module positions user1,user2 and user3 with 33% distribution each. Isn't that hard to archive the result of the second photo. On the left it's a menu, elxis supports icons at the menu items, so you can make that. The middle part you can do it with a simple custom module. The right part you can make similar with the RSS/Atom social networks module. The only thing you can't do its the icons at the module titles but.. i guess you can do it by CSS. Just add icons to the class.
@bledi, I have a solution for you, to display a 3 columns content map at the footer module position (as is shown your 1st attached image) without to create extra module positions.
Copy the Category map module 3 times and publish all of them at the hidden module position displaying for each one a different content category. Note: Every time you edit a module on URL field of your Browser you will see a url like this /extmanager/modules/edit.html?page=1&sn=position&so=asc§ion=frontend&id=40 where the last number shows the id of the module.
Install the Include module plugin (https://www.elxis.net/edc/miscellaneous/117.html).
Create a content module (mod_content) and into parameters enable to run plugins. Then into Module's text click on html mode and insert the following
<div style="float:left;"><code class="elx5_plugin">{imodule}40{/imodule}</code></div><div style="float:left;"><code class="elx5_plugin">{imodule}41{/imodule}</code></div><div style="float:left;"><code class="elx5_plugin">{imodule}42{/imodule}</code></div>
where 40, 41, 42 are the ids of the category map modules and replace them with corresponding category map module ids of your elxis installation and publish the content module at the footer module position.