Elxis CMS Forum
Support => General => Topic started by: armpouniotis on February 19, 2020, 23:42:21
Hi there !
I am using elxis 5, and I have installed Countdown module !
I set the month to April, but when I save it, the month automaticaly sets to June.
All the other setting are ok, but the month doesn't change !
Any help please ?
Thank you in advance
I just installed it from EDC on Elxis 5 and I can confirm this behaviour of the module. Maybe something needs to be changed to works perfect on Elxis 5.
I suspect it's because Elxis 5 doesn't load jQuery by default. Try to load jQuery to the backend template and maybe it will work. This was the reason for other modules dysfunctionality. 8)
ok !
thank you all !