Elxis CMS Forum
Extensions => Components => Topic started by: timalsina on September 06, 2014, 14:56:51
When hotels search result page displays list of hotels, I would like to have search input box displayed on the top of hotels listings. Also, the hotels search box should preserve currently input destination/hotel name, check-in, check-out date similar to budgetplaces search results page:http://www.budgetplaces.com/offer/list/?destination_id=9&checkin=2014-09-21&checkout=2014-09-22&guests=2
How can I do that?
Posty any feature request you have in the corresponding topic (https://forum.elxis.org/index.php?topic=8206.0).
Search in IOSR Hotels has already been changed (eg you can search for locations or a specific hotel simultaneously). I will publish a screenshot today or the next days.