Elxis CMS Forum

Extensions => Modules => Topic started by: sophocles on September 17, 2012, 10:40:47

Title: E-Shop --> various customizing questions (solved)
Post by: sophocles on September 17, 2012, 10:40:47

This topic started only with one question, but during the addition of products more came up. 

1. How can we achieve the task to have a part of our products without prices (0,00€ price), in order the potential client to call by phone, or send e-mail, or place a request for contact?
These products however should appear as normal products in the e-shop along with those having an actual price.

2. At price modifiers, how can someone select all modifiers that have been added to one product instead only of one that is permitted?

Thanks in advance
Title: Re: E-Shop
Post by: datahell on September 17, 2012, 14:50:46
These are not "issues", an issue is a software problem / bug. What you ask about is customization.

1. Set product price to 0,01 and use a contact bot or link to contacts page for price request.

2. It can not be done wihtout major modifications.
Title: Re: E-Shop --> various customizing questions
Post by: sophocles on September 17, 2012, 15:10:18
Thanks datahell. Quick and precise as always. 
Title: Re: E-Shop --> various customizing questions
Post by: sophocles on September 20, 2012, 07:57:24
Regarding question No2,  could we have - as an alternative -multiple instances of the same price modifier in the same product? 

Now, it comes question 3.
On the "front page" of the e-shop, the quantities shown in parenthesis do not refer to the published items but all the items of the sub-categories (published and not published), while on the sub-category page the phrase "there are x products in this category" is the correct one (those published).

Any idea why this is happening?
Title: Re: E-Shop --> various customizing questions (RE-OPENED)
Post by: datahell on September 20, 2012, 20:59:22
Yes, just use a slightly different name.

The total products number next to category's name in frontpage is a "quick and dirty" counting. As you might have many sub-categories and hundreds of products it will be a waste of CPU to display the exact number in all sub-categories depth (too many sub-queries in database). So, eshop counts the products only on the main category and its first level sub-categories. Security and performance are my first priorities in everything I develop.