Elxis CMS Forum

Support => General => Topic started by: MrEmz on August 06, 2012, 12:37:33

Title: Reservation status report
Post by: MrEmz on August 06, 2012, 12:37:33
A nice day to everyone! First and foremost, i would like to express my gratitude to the Elxis team for this cool, awesome reservation system.  Im a newbie in Elxis. Regarding my problem, in the hotelier control panel section, i have accept, reject, delete, and move commands. What can i do to add a cancel command that notifies the customer of cancellation and be reflected in his My past reservations? My plan is to edit the reject command and rename it to cancel. Is this a good idea? How can i do this? BTW, im not much good in coding but i can understand a little. Help, anybody? Thanks in advance.
Title: Re: Reservation status report
Post by: MrEmz on August 09, 2012, 06:54:55
Maybe im not clear here. Ok. I have a client who wants to have a usermenu that has the following:
Edit Profile
My Pending Reservations
My Confirmed Reservations
My Past Reservations

My Pending Reservations, when clicked, will only show a report of unconfirmed reservations.
My Confirmed Reservations, when clicked, will only show a report of confirmed reservations.
My Past Reservations will appear, when the customer has old bookings. When clicked, it will show a report of old bookings that shows a Rebook button (including the cancelled reservations. If  the customer has no records, My Past Reservations will not appear in the user's usermenu. That's why im asking for help in adding a Cancel button/command from the hotelier's control panel. You may ask the question, "Why not just make a My Reservations that show all the reports for confirmed, unconfirmed, and cancelled reservations instead of doing My Pending Reservations, My Confirmed Reservations, My Past Reservations"? The answer is it's what my client demand. Need help here. Thanks!
Title: Re: Reservation status report
Post by: datahell on August 09, 2012, 09:10:40
The "reject" button is on the hotelier/admin panel. The client has a "cancel" button. All cancellation requests should pass hotelier/admin approval. This is why the client can not really cancel a reservation. When clicking on the "cancel" button an email is sent to the hotelier/admin to notify him about this request. It is up to the hotelier/admin if he accept or not this request.

I think the already existing "reservations history" page is fine for the task you want, you don't have to modify anything. When the hotelier "rejects" a reservation the reservation is deleted from the system in order for the booked rooms to become free for new reservations. Leaving rejected reservations undeleted is a very bad idea.
Title: Re: Reservation status report
Post by: MrEmz on August 28, 2012, 09:57:07
Greetings! My client changed his mind. He wants automatic cancellation on reservation when the customer hit the cancel on the customer side if within the rule. Like for example, if a customer booked a reservation and change his mind the other day and wants to cancel the reservation. When he click the cancel reservation button, the booking will automatically be cancelled if he didn't break any rule (e.g. 3 days before cancellation).