Elxis CMS Forum
Extensions => Components => Topic started by: regi168 on April 29, 2011, 17:03:31
good day every body~
I made a restrain for reservation that people cannot make reservation within 2 days from local real time.
Ex: if now is 29 Apr, so I let people cannnot make a date choose from calendar in front-end, guest only can pick up 02 May and after.
the problem is
In back-end administrato/ios reservation/hotels/discount/weekdays
if I set Sat(6) has discount +10%,
go to the front-end--> any hotel--> overview and availability/discount policy
Results will found thur(4) has discount +10% , and price will apply for thur(4) not Sat(6) it is wrong
go to the back-end administrato/ios reservation/rooms/prices rates/
click availability POP calendar Results will found thur(4) has discount +10% , and price will apply for thur(4) not Sat(6) wrong
click Discount policy POP Results will found weekday thur(6) has discount +10% so it is right
so every hotel with discount policy always has the same problem.
so how to fix it let discount plicy apply with same weekday .
could somebody can solve this problem
The problem is caused by your modification not by IOSR. So why to change good working code instead of fixing your changes? I guess you have made something wrong. If I were you I would check only the check-in date without touching anything else. If the check-in date is earlier than 2 days from today I would decline the reservation.
It is glad to hear you, the reason is I did this for
1) low down irregular case with some hotels which has bad emepty room control, booking today and checkin today.
2) who will use bankaccount transfer/offline credit to pay for reservation if they book today and checkin today.
I will kepp your words in mind, and thinking about more.
Issue solved. ;)
Great skill handling and trouble shooting ability In a short time.
Thanks a Million. ;D