Elxis CMS Forum

Extensions => Templates => Topic started by: maple on February 21, 2010, 14:56:22

Title: Template Builder future -and congrats!
Post by: maple on February 21, 2010, 14:56:22

I'd like to know when will be implemented the "Template builder. Create templates with simple clicks from within Elxis administrtion." announced into the future of Elxis. Can be very useful for a lot of people, me included.

I'd like to know also some functionalities, flexibility, characteristics of this implementation.
How will work the css and the index.php across this Template Builder.

Can you explain in advance some of this questions?

Many Thanks

By the way, I love Elxis. I think that it's a professional CMS much butter than Joomla and other top CMS. Great work!
Have a REALLY good technical implementation and very good ideas.
I think need to improve the visual aspect, visual design templates, Okto it's a good one. Template builder can help. Joomla template has changed the code and no works with Elxis without some changes.
There're out there very good designers that can help. Joomla have a lot of them, but I think sincerely that Elxis have much better technical solutions and ideas for me.
Title: Re: Template Builder future
Post by: ks-net on February 21, 2010, 15:16:55
I'd like to know when will be implemented the "Template builder. Create templates with simple clicks from within Elxis administrtion." announced into the future of Elxis. Can be very useful for a lot of people, me included.
where did you found this?

Joomla template has changed the code and no works with Elxis without some changes.
this is totally wrong! i dont know what you show and where... but they are not compatible!
do not count on this... those templates are not 100% compatible with elxis.....the majority of them will not work with elxis
Title: Re: Template Builder future -and congrats!
Post by: webgift on February 21, 2010, 15:25:57
My advice is:  Don't use Joomla or other CMS Templates  for Elxis Platform.
You create security bugs and you 'll have problems .
Title: Re: Template Builder future
Post by: speck on February 21, 2010, 17:20:00
I'd like to know when will be implemented the "Template builder. Create templates with simple clicks from within Elxis administrtion." announced into the future of Elxis. Can be very useful for a lot of people, me included.
where did you found this?
Maybe someone has read and badly interpreted the next to last line of this page: https://www.elxis.org/what-is-elxis.html
Title: Re: Template Builder future
Post by: maple on February 21, 2010, 17:35:27
I'd like to know when will be implemented the "Template builder. Create templates with simple clicks from within Elxis administrtion." announced into the future of Elxis. Can be very useful for a lot of people, me included.
where did you found this?

I just found into following page at the bottom "The future of Elxis": https://www.elxis.org/what-is-elxis.html

Joomla template has changed the code and no works with Elxis without some changes.
this is totally wrong! i dont know what you show and where... but they are not compatible!
do not count on this... those templates are not 100% compatible with elxis.....the majority of them will not work with elxis

Sorry for my confusion, I'm new in Elxis. I was think that at the beginning back in 2006-2007 Joomla or mambo templates was compatible with Elxix. Tanks for your response.

Title: Re: Template Builder future -and congrats!
Post by: maple on February 21, 2010, 17:36:04
"I'd like to know when will be implemented the "Template builder. Create templates with simple clicks from within Elxis administrtion." announced into the future of Elxis. Can be very useful for a lot of people, me included.
where did you found this?"

I just found into following page at the bottom "The future of Elxis": https://www.elxis.org/what-is-elxis.html
Title: Re: Template Builder future -and congrats!
Post by: maple on February 21, 2010, 17:38:34
My advice is:  Don't use Joomla or other CMS Templates  for Elxis Platform.
You create security bugs and you 'll have problems .

Thanks for your advice.
Title: Re: Template Builder future -and congrats!
Post by: ks-net on February 21, 2010, 18:31:35
for people that have read the follow page: https://www.elxis.org/what-is-elxis.html
just read more carefully and you will see that there is no timeline,no promise, not in the plan for the main release, not even yet checked-discussed-approved us far as i know.

Bellow there is a short list of features we have already tried in our laboratories or we plan to do in the near future. Some of them may pass into the main release.
means  simply that we will try and we will decide if we implement in a future release! it is not a fact, it is not sure if and when will be implement!

it was not announced for any release!

as soon as will be(if) implement  in any future release it will be announced!

Ps. all these that are written there and much-much more are simply some thoughts of elxis team... this list must not be considered as a standard guidline-timeline or a final announcement ...
contains of this list may change

Title: Re: Template Builder future -and congrats!
Post by: maple on February 21, 2010, 18:46:26
for people that have read the follow page: https://www.elxis.org/what-is-elxis.html
just read more carefully and you will see that there is no timeline,no promise, not in the plan for the main release, not even yet checked-discussed-approved us far as i know.

Bellow there is a short list of features we have already tried in our laboratories or we plan to do in the near future. Some of them may pass into the main release.
means  simply that we will try and we will decide if we implement in a future release! it is not a fact, it is not sure if and when will be implement!

it was not announced for any release!

as soon as will be(if) implement  in any future release it will be announced!

Ps. all these that are written there and much-much more are simply some thoughts of elxis team... this list must not be considered as a standard guidline-timeline or a final announcement ...
contains of this list may change

That's fine. I think that can be a very useful implementation.

Thanks for your response.
Title: Re: Template Builder future -and congrats!
Post by: datahell on February 21, 2010, 23:50:23
Regarding the future Elxis releases we are focusing on making template and extensions creation very easy (even for dummies). That is one of our main targets.

We have not yet decided how the "template builder" will work but you will surely be able to modify your site's layout and style without touching the code too much.

These information is for the Elxis next generation (not for the 2009.x series) in which Elxis will change dramatically. The whole idea behind this is private for now.
Title: Re: Template Builder future -and congrats!
Post by: maple on February 22, 2010, 13:54:56
Regarding the future Elxis releases we are focusing on making template and extensions creation very easy (even for dummies). That is one of our main targets.

We have not yet decided how the "template builder" will work but you will surely be able to modify your site's layout and style without touching the code too much.

These information is for the Elxis next generation (not for the 2009.x series) in which Elxis will change dramatically. The whole idea behind this is private for now.

Thank you very much for your response.
Title: Re: Template Builder future -and congrats!
Post by: webgift on February 22, 2010, 14:13:37
This move will give a lot of plus ( +++ ) on Elxis Community although i am conservative and of course opposite on dramatical changes. :)
Title: Re: Template Builder future -and congrats!
Post by: datahell on February 22, 2010, 14:47:44
We have decided to give up completely the mambo's heritage as this outdated coding style and ideas put limits into what we want to implement in Elxis.
Title: Re: Template Builder future -and congrats!
Post by: maple on February 22, 2010, 22:35:51
This move will give a lot of plus ( +++ ) on Elxis Community although i am conservative and of course opposite on dramatical changes. :)

Yeah, I think so! And perhaps dramatic changes like datahell say, can make me dramatically happy   :o
Title: Re: Template Builder future -and congrats!
Post by: maple on February 22, 2010, 22:40:15
We have decided to give up completely the mambo's heritage as this outdated coding style and ideas put limits into what we want to implement in Elxis.

Yeah, I think that it's a good decision, totally agree!
Title: Re: Template Builder future -and congrats!
Post by: naspor on June 09, 2010, 19:52:06
You have to consider that "appearence in front end" of a site created with Elxis CMS, plays a key role in the promotion of the job you are doing.
I dont know to create templates and the book "ΠΩΣ ΝΑ ΦΤΙΑΞΕΤΕ TEMPLATE ΓΙΑ ΤΟ ELXIS CMS" was not helpful for me.

I have tried to create templates with ARTISTEER, an impressing software for newbies like me.
Unfortunatelly they don't have ELXIS CMS as an option.

I wrote to Artisteer team, asking for such an option:
Posted: 6/9/2010 

I'm one of those who I'm lucking the knowledge and the skill of creating templates. I tried Artisteer and found your product to be really really useful and helpful for me, but I need an import/export option for the Elxis CMS I’m using.

ELXIS CMS (https://www.elxis.org/) is a really good mambo advanced clone, under GNU. It is really powerful and a promising alternative to joomla. It appeared in 2006 and became the favorite option for a lot of people. Would you consider an Elxis Template import/export option in your software with your next upgrade?

Thank you

If you go for a "template builder" early, you will rocket your CMS up and up!. 

Please consider that  ;) ;) ;)
Title: Re: Template Builder future -and congrats!
Post by: datahell on June 09, 2010, 19:56:38
If it has the option to export in Joomla 1.0.x format it will be very close to the elxis standards. You will only need to make small changes/additions afterwards.

My personal opinion is there is no tool that can replace a developer...
Title: Re: Template Builder future -and congrats!
Post by: naspor on June 09, 2010, 20:04:36
My personal opinion is there is no tool that can replace a developer...

You are right (!), and developers must live..., but you must see Artisteer and you will understand me!

Title: Re: Template Builder future -and congrats!
Post by: datahell on June 09, 2010, 20:30:58
This is not the issue, developers live or die. I know artisteer, all these tools are great but they are limited. They can only become great if you have by yourself developer/designer skills to modify the code they produce. But in this case you dont need artisteer...

When I first started developing things with php, I used dreamweaver. It was great for a newbie like me but after some time I was able to fully understand the source code it generated and I saw how bad it was (sorry macromedia guys). It also limited the things I could do. I released that you can do much more with PHP. Artisteer is the dreamweaver for templates. You can do many things but up to a limit. I can understand the sites that are built with such tools in seconds. Anyone who is able to see some things more than a normal viewer can understand this. The way a developer writes code is not the same as any machine.
Title: Re: Template Builder future -and congrats!
Post by: naspor on June 09, 2010, 20:50:11
I agree with you, but you have to understand that, for someone like me with a quite different job orientation (I'm thoracic surgeon) I'll never be able to have your Knowledge in that domain.
Though I have done a considerable advancement since my first attempt to ceate a website, I always look for a method to make my life easier and keep me in touch with a new object ;), which I have to understand and explore at my free time, becoming better and better...

That's the way things go for most users...

Title: Re: Template Builder future -and congrats!
Post by: datahell on June 09, 2010, 20:56:47
I understand, I told you that at first dreamweaver was fine for me. So, artisteer will be fine for the majority of elxis users although I personally prefer people to learn html/css instead of using just an interface.
Title: Re: Template Builder future -and congrats!
Post by: naspor on June 09, 2010, 21:06:45
"Siga siga ginetai h aggourida meli"  ;D
Attract people with interesting things (like template builder), grow up the users' community and increase possibilities to find some people to share your burden pal.
Title: Re: Template Builder future -and congrats!
Post by: ks-net on June 09, 2010, 22:19:02
 naspor .. i totally agree with you...
this the way to attract people... but it is not our target...  this is  what commercials  will do... fancy staff etc...

we are not disagree with you ..

but this not our first target... be sure that in future you will see staff like that!

we prefer to build  secure.. stable... widely applicable .. easy to manage  these  our 1st aim!

a theme-builder is not as flexible and stable and good-to-use  as you think ..  just to mention that 99.999999% of themes build with such tools are xhmtl invalid... at least!
not even dreamweaver is that good as you think.. if you trust it and not clean the code... you get what you deserve!
Title: Re: Template Builder future -and congrats!
Post by: rentasite on June 10, 2010, 02:05:54
I agree with you, but you have to understand that, for someone like me with a quite different job orientation (I'm thoracic surgeon) I'll never be able to have your Knowledge in that domain.

As we can not do a surgery  ;)