Elxis CMS Forum

Support => Language => Topic started by: siamect on March 20, 2008, 06:20:25

Title: Flag buttons
Post by: siamect on March 20, 2008, 06:20:25
Dear All
I'm a comlete newbie in the Elxis world although I have been making quite a lot of web pages using php/Mysql before. Elxis seems to be a good CMS and I intend to use it for a internal documentation project.

I installed Elxis and enabled a few languages just to test. When I change the language using the flag buttons it works but if I click on the flag representing the language I currently use then I get an error: Not found.
For example if I hover over the French flag to see the URLs it looks like this assuming English as the current language:
which is ok and works.

But if I hover over the english flag I get:
which is not working because if the extra /elxis.

Does anybody know why this is happening. I can repeate it with all languages I have tested...
Thanks and best regards
Title: Re: Flag buttons
Post by: Farhad Sakhaei on March 20, 2008, 09:42:37
Hi siamect and Welcome to the Elxis project site  :)
Because you installed Elxis on a subfolder on the localhost , Elxis recommend you that don't install it on a subfolder or a subdomain for best output , Although this problem fixed in the next release ...
Title: Re: Flag buttons
Post by: siamect on March 20, 2008, 10:33:35
Ok thanks...
I discovered that it is ok if I make separate files for each language. As soon as I have a file with more than one language then I run into this kind of problem. I'm doing some stuff with Enlish/Thai language and I start with English. Guess I should be able to work around it like this so no problems...

Thanks and best regards

Title: Re: Flag buttons
Post by: Ivan Trebješanin on March 20, 2008, 14:11:47
Regarding Elxis SEOpro and subfolder installation check this -> https://forum.elxis.org/index.php?topic=1918.0 ;)

If you want your local URL-s to look like this --> http://elxistest.loc insted of this --> http://localhost/elxistest/ you should read this: https://www.elxis.org/guides/developers-guides/local-apache-and-virtual-hosts.html