Elxis CMS Forum

Support => Elxis 4.x/5.x DEV => Topic started by: Amigamerlin on June 10, 2014, 14:26:49

Title: ELXIS 4.1 - WYSWYG Table problem
Post by: Amigamerlin on June 10, 2014, 14:26:49
Hello I'm using ELXIS 4.1 Engine and Delta template. I'm facing a strange error ...border table are now shown. To put a  table I'm using CKEditor and I'm putting color for border and background. Well border are not visible ... background color yes. Moreover I would like to add an image as background on table. I've seen that it's not possible without the use of a plug-in for CKEditor
. I successfull installed the plug-in and it add correctly the code inside HTML code to show the image as table background or cell background but I'm still not able to see not the border not the image.
Please anyone can help me ?

Thank you
Title: Re: ELXIS 4.1 - WYSWYG Table problem
Post by: datahell on June 11, 2014, 08:14:10
Don't work like that, use css! Add a css class to your table and add any rules you want on it in your template's css file.

<table class="mytable">

.mytable { width:100%; backgroung:url(something.png) 0 0 no-repeat; }
.mytable td { border:1px solid #CCC; }
Title: Re: ELXIS 4.1 - WYSWYG Table problem
Post by: Amigamerlin on June 11, 2014, 16:33:28
Ciao Datahell and thank you for your answer.
Please, can you explain me why it don't work in that way?
Is an editor problem?

Not all people know css and know how to manage. For some people is enough using the tools editor but it should work !!!
Using 2009.X and tinymce users can add table, table background, cell Backbround, border and so on without need to code Css.
Can you explain why using CKeditor I can't do nothinkg of that? :( Is ELXIS 4 problem ? Is an editor Problem?
Do you think in the next release of ELXIS 4 series this problems will be fixed?

Let me know.
Thank you !!!


Title: Re: ELXIS 4.1 - WYSWYG Table problem
Post by: datahell on June 11, 2014, 19:56:13
It is not an editor problem, in fact it is a feature! The editor loads your frontend template's css. If your template has no borders for tables then no border will be displayed. You can for example apply a "elx_tbl_list" class in your table to see exactly how it will look in frontend a table with the a standard elxis style. You can off course use inline css too. But be aware of how styling is applied on html elements and also be aware that deprecated attributes like border="1" will be overwritten by css rules. You can apply css classes and inline styling without turning the editor into html mode. Just use the editor advanced features on the table insert window.

See in the screenshot attached how beautiful tables you can use by just applying 1 css class (elx_tbl_list). In the screenshot the editor has loaded the css of the default Elxis 4.2 template named Flex.

The html code of the example:
<table class="elx_tbl_list">
<tr><th colspan="2">Title</th></tr>
<tr> <th class="elx_th_sub">Subtitle</th><th class="elx_th_sub">Subtitle</th></tr>
Title: Re: ELXIS 4.1 - WYSWYG Table problem
Post by: siwek on June 28, 2014, 17:57:25
is it possible to completely  disable ck editor / wysiwyg in poseidon like in aphrodite  - ( for example: by the config file) ?

Title: Re: ELXIS 4.1 - WYSWYG Table problem
Post by: datahell on June 28, 2014, 20:48:26
No, in Elxis 4.x the editor is a core element, not an external plugin like on Elxis 2009.x. it cannot be disabled in content. If you do so the management of content wont function properly.

The editor can only be affected in frontend section in extensions that have this option.
Three options are available for the editor: WYSIWYG editor, BBCode editor, No editor.

Example of loading editor with elxisForm library.

//WYSIWYG - Multingual
$clang = $eLang->currentLang();
$cinfo = $eLang->getallinfo($clang);
$trdata = array('category' => 'com_something', 'element' => 'Message', 'elid' => $id);
form->addMLTextarea('message', $trdata, $message, 'message' array('cols' => 80, 'rows' => 8, 'forcedir' => $cinfo['DIR'], 'editor' => 'html', 'contentslang' => $clang));

//BB Code
$clang = $eLang->currentLang();
$form->addTextarea('message', $text, 'Message', array('required' => 0, 'cols' => 30, 'rows' => 6, 'dir' => 'rtl', 'editor' => 'bbcode', 'contentslang' => $clang));

//Standard textarea
$form->addTextarea('message', $text, 'Message', array('required' => 0, 'dir' => 'rtl'));

Note: Elxis 4.2 has an updated and improved editor.