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thank for elxis

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thank for elxis , i build my web with elxis see on

bahasa indonesia
'' terimakasih elxis aku mebuat web saya pake elxis lihat''
ohh ya bagi temen temen yang belum tahu elxis harus coba versi 2008.0 lebih keren
saya juga pernah nyaba yang versi 2006.4
 oh yah karene bahasa inggrris ku ngga lancar tolong yang pinter bahasa inggris  suruh adminya bikin board khusus indonesia nya
mau tanya kan masih newbe mau tahu cara nggabungin smf dan elxis dong


Hi! Welcome and enjoy using Elxis.

Sorry to say, but you have to fix a bunch of errors. One of them: I pressed the Greek flag and i cannot return back to your site cause of the errors. Of course the solution is not clearing up my cookies  ;)

Take care.

Ivan Trebješanin:
and welcome
I have very important advice for you: NEVER USE FREE HOSTING!
It is just too expensive. ;)

Component Weblinks and component banners are missing, some images also missing. May be more things missing...


Greek language published but: Failed opening required '/home/xxxxxx/public_html/language/greek/greek.php


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