Extensions > Components

Adding 'positions' when building the frontpage


Hello everyone,

I am using Elxis 5.4 and I can't figure out how to add my 'positions' on the frontpage. I can see on the list of positions there are 'frontpage1(1)', meaning there is one item assigned to 'frontpage1', but when I place it on the grid and save it nothing comes up on the website. Any ideas?

Site > Content > Frontpage
You drag with your mouse pointer the positions (or the modules) from the left column to the desired grid cell on the right. Then save your settings.
In the grid's cell you will see the position assigned and the number of modules assigned to it.
For example left (3) means position left which have 3 modules assigned.

In Elxis configuration make sure that the Default route is "content:/"
Note that the modules assigned will not be displayed if they are not published.


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