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Background when posting new articles


When I post a new article, or edit one even from the frontend.
The background I get is the image I have in the background. It happen that I write in black and my background is black   :'(
I don't find an option to get rid of the background image when I write, and just have a white background just like the one that it's showed in the site when I see it.

Should I keep writing the text in a different color and then change it to black  when posting? Or I am just missing an option?

Are you use background-image for body element? (in template)


the background of my template is a gif, but it is set to #ffffff [white colour]

When I see it in the front end is black test on white background, but when I edit it I see the gif as in the screenshot.

unzip it and put in the /templates/your_templates/css. Or change templates like this:

in index.php

--- Code: ---<body id='bd'>

--- End code ---

in template_css.css

--- Code: ---#bd {
backgound: url('backgorund.gif) repeat;

--- End code ---

[old attachment deleted by admin]

thanks, now I try this modifications.

Thanks a lot Coursar


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