Support > Database

Something or somebody changes mySQL password

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The site password constantly changes to "YES".

First it happened to - Elxis 2008.0 Nemesis
Now it is happening with a second site I'm building - Elxis 2009.0 Pandora

Any Ideas?  Could it be happening during server interaction?  ???

site or mysql password?

both are strange... and first time hear about this..... 

check your server .. ask server administrator... who else have access?

In file configuration.php, line 10 $mosConfig_user = 'username'; and line11 $mosConfig_password = 'xxx'; lays the username and pass for accessing the mysql database.

In database table elx_users, you can see the "Super Administrator's" md5 hash of the password used to access administration panel, under "id" 62.

Yes I asked.

First with the Nemesis it was easy cause I made the configuration.php - unwritable.
But with the Pandora it is even stranger because the hosting package doesn't utilise a domain name i. e. no one knows it and no one except me has access officialy.

There has been only 5 minutes since I finished installation and ZAP! Same thing. The bad news is that I didn't see the password for the Data Base to change in the new version's configuration.php.

So I will have to reupload and install. I will be glad to give you the address if it happens again.


Hey, I'm back again!

Check this out
PHP Error [Warning]
URI: index2.php?mosmsg=The+configuration+details+have+been+updated%21
Path: /includes/adodb/drivers/
Line: 382
mysql_pconnect() [function.mysql-pconnect]: Access denied for user 'MKjys78vgRpwek'@'localhost' (using password: YES)
mysql Error [1045] : PCONNECT
URI: index2.php?mosmsg=The+configuration+details+have+been+updated%21
Message: Access denied for user 'MKjys78vgRpwek'@'localhost' (using password: YES)


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