Extensions > Bots and plugins

Plugin Events 1.0


A new plugin made available in EDC, Events. With plugin Events you can manage single or multi day Agendas and Events. An Agenda is a time table which may contain up to 10 events. These events can be within the same day or in different days. Here is a sample Agenda with 3 events to get an idea what you can do with the plugin.

Agenda: Yupi-Yupi festival, Saturday 22 February 2099
Event 1: 09:00 - 10:00, Opening speech, Mary Bach
Event 2: 10:15 - 12:30, Presentation, George Beethoven
Event 3: 19:30 - 20:30, Closing ceremony / Fireworks

The plugin has many coloring options and also supports integration with Google Calendar.

After the plugin installation, configure the plugin and then manage your events like that: From the list of Content plugins, highlight the Events row and click on the Manage button on top. From the window that will be displayed you can add, edit and delete agendas and events. You will also find a tab with detailed help. Many thanks to Rory Sturdy for allowing this plugin to be published. Download Events from EDC

Dimitris Kanatas:
Μπράβο! Πολύ καλό πρόσθετο! Αρκετά χρήσιμο!!

Ωραία δωράκια!!! Υπάρχει κάτι άλλο ωραίο που σκέφτεσαι να ετοιμάσεις για εμάς στις γιορτές;  :) ;D

Μήπως κάτι πρέπει να ξέχασες...  :)

--- Code: ---<package type="plugin">
<title>Photo vote</title>
<created>2023-11-16 18:06:00</created>
<author>Ioannis Sannos</author>
--- End code ---

Γι αυτό έβγαλα την έκδοση 1.1, είναι διορθωμένο.


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