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restrict publishing?


Hi all,

as what i think is, that 2006.4 already is able to restrict publishing content to specific user groups.

What do i have to configure for that?

I have used the predefined group "Author" which i granted access to the backend and the rights to "add - all" and "edit - own" Content.

I thought this would result i only having the right to add content but not to publish? but when i tryed the new content item is automaticly published....
Am i doing something wrong or is this not going to work?

best regards

Open components/com_content.php

Go to line 1352

Change this:

if ( eUTF::utf8_trim( $row->publish_down ) == _ELANG_NEVER ) {
$row->publish_down = '2060-01-01 00:00:00';

to this:

if ( eUTF::utf8_trim( $row->publish_down ) == _ELANG_NEVER ) {
$row->publish_down = '2060-01-01 00:00:00';
$row->state = ($access->canPublish) ? 1 : 0;

Notices regarding Elxis 2008:
1. Elxis 2008 does not allow content to be published from frontend.
2. Elxis 2008 does not allow already published content to be edited from frontend!
3. In Elxis 2008 you can specify in which sections/categories users are able to submit content.
4. In Elxis 2008 submitted content follows an approval procedure.
5. In Elxis 2008 as long as your submitted content still waiting approval you can edit it.
6. In Elxis 2008 you can see a list of your last 5 submitted content items.
7. In Elxis 2008 a light version of tinyMCE is used in frontend with reduced functions.
8. In Elxis 2008 the number of each user's submitted articles is visible in user's profile.

All the above changes were done for 3 reasons:
1. 99% of the submitted content is done from back-end
2. To improve security
3. Administrator to have better control over his site

Thanks for the suggestion, but unfortunatly it is not working.

As i experienced i can even edit content that is not owned by myself so there seems to be somthing else wrong...

Do you have ideas what could have gone wrong or what i have to do(,or when 2008 will release :-) )?


I don't remember exactly the 2006.4 code in this point right now but I think that if you are a super administrator the item is automatically published. You can very easily modify these permissions if you search the relevant code.

sorry, no supervisor. only autor.
never mind.... i will wait for 2008 with that :-)


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