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Howto retrieve meta keywords

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Several weeks I try to solve a problem, without finding a real solution.

I work on a template for my website.
I want to retrieve the meta keywords in \index.php, but not with $eDoc-> showHead().
I have tried in different ways in a function in "\includes\hygieia.class.php" and in a function at the end of the "\index.php". Here I have found no way to retrieve the meta keywords.

The only way I have found to retrieve the meta keywords is to place the following code in "\index.php":

$eDoc = eFactory::getDocument();
$keywords = $eDoc->keywords;

<html <?php echo $eDoc->htmlAttributes(); ?>>   
      <? php test1($keywords); ?>

function test1(&$keywords){
      if (count($keywords) > 0) {
         $str = eUTF::str_replace('"',"'", implode(', ', $keywords));
         $html .= "\t".'<meta name="keywords" content="'.$str.'" />'."\n";
      echo $html;

My questions:
Keywords is a private variabele In class elxisDocument (\inetpub\wwwroot\includes\libraries\elxis\document.class.php), so i do not understand wy this code works.
Is it safe to do it like this?
Are there beter ways to retrieve the meta keywords tag?

Are you sure this code works? As you said keywords is a private variable. I will see it in the afternoon and answer you again but as far as I remember you cannot get the meta keywords, you can only set them.

I could not figure it out. I thought that by changing and trying code (while searching for a solution to my problem), something gets messed up somewhere in the elxis code.

That is why I have performed a completely new elxis installation.
The code (as I put it on the forum) pasted into template.
And it still works!

You made a big discovery! I haven't noticed that before. Private variables work because you actually work within elxisDocument class! So, you can access keywords directly: $eDoc->keywords. I have to say that I dont like that but it works...


--- Quote from: datahell on June 08, 2018, 20:10:27 ---
Private variables work because you actually work within elxisDocument class!

--- End quote ---
I feel the same as i don't like it either :D


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