Extensions > Tools

Payment method is so required

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Hello guys, first of all from day one that i found Elxis CMS and iam using it in all my projects as i found it so interesting and easy to use and my customers are so satisfied with the results, I used IOSR in some projects and it is really great buy me and my customers are facing one problem and it is the payment method

most of my customers are from Egypt and the problem is that paybal or moneybooker do not serve Egypt in payments so i searched for a payment method that support Egypt country and i contact some banks to find a way to make a new payment method for IOSR that can serve Egypt

and one of the banks send me some files that you can check them at that link http://www.book2egypt.com/pm.rar

i am not so good with the payment possess and i couldn't develop it, i tried but i couldn't do it and the call back after payment is success which till my IOSR that the payment is done successful and must confirm the booking and this staff

so i though about sharing this with all of our community developers maybe we can find a solution for IOSR Payment to be accepted in Egypt and the money go to an Egyptian bank account or any other way

The benefits of that to our Great CMS

1- More sales and more customers
If we found a solution for the payment method in Egypt i grantee more than 10 websites requests using IOSR each month and of course this benefits comes to all of us as the customers will order templets, components, modules and bots as each one will need some customization to his system.

2- Elxis CMS will be more famous and more usable to a lot of customers world wide as any travel agency or customer when visit any of the sites that we will make to the Egyptian Customers will request sites and projects like this one.

3- competing with the big gorillas at the feild of travel agency serves ( Hotel booking - travel packages - tour trips , etc ... )

I wish we can find a solution for that because it will make Elixs CMS and IOS Products more and more famous i will keep searching and if any of our great developers can help me to find a way for the payment methods in Egypt this will be great

Please share in this post your ideas and lets find a solution

I will check all the required fields and i will inform you about.

thnks alot for your help

and it will bring Elxis CMS to the next level in Egypt

Elxis will be to the next level at the upcoming release ... Nautilus... Not only in Egypt ... ;)

i am sure of that
you don't know i am seating on fire to see the next release of Elixs CMS

I feel it is going to destroy all the other CMS online ;)
which if i can help in any thing :D


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